Have a Dream Bigger Than You

Vivek Raman
1 min readMay 25, 2024


Life’s Mission and Fulfillment

Life gains its meaning when we have something definite to strive for, a mission to fulfill. The extent to which we avoid setting a purpose for our lives determines how empty they become. Human existence, by its very nature, demands dedication to something greater than ourselves.

Developing a Sense of Urgency

What many people lack most in their lives is a vision of a compelling future, a burning desire that stirs their emotions and gives meaning and direction to their existence.

Imagine being told right now that there’s a $10,000 bill taped to the underside of one of the chairs in your house. Wouldn’t that excite you enough to take immediate action? Or what if you learned there were 50 gold bricks in a vault in a bank , each marked with your initials, worth five million dollars, and that the first person to show up with the right initials could claim them? Wouldn’t that make you act with a sense of urgency? Would you start by learning Japanese or by checking airline schedules for the earliest flight?

“Do not act as though you had 1,000 years to live.” Many of us don’t have much time left to do “our thing,” whatever that may be. We need a goal in our lives as exciting as those 50 gold bricks waiting to be claimed. Only then will we develop the sense of urgency needed to pursue our dreams and fulfill our potential.



Vivek Raman

Co -founder of Regrob group of companies I IIM Alumni I Lifestyle Entrepreneur I Building Business 3 I Real Estate Celebrity