Ides of March, Time to get your Sh*t Together

Viviana Rullo
2 min readMar 15, 2017


I know most people try to make their New Year’s resolutions on the first of the year when it cold, dark and they are probably struggling with a hangover. According to Static Brain, only 9.2% of people felt they were successful in achieving their resolution. Not such at great stat is it?

When you think about it, are you really going work on that swimsuit body when it is 5°c outside and still dark when you wake up? If you are one of these superstars than stop reading now but if you are a mere mortal like myself, then read on.

I personally think there are some resolutions that work in the winter — catching up on all the episodes of House of Cards or learning to do a craft like knitting but the really tough resolutions like changing your diet or exercising when you have not stepped in a gym in months, they should be left until we see the Spring light at the end of the tunnel. Just like the spring daffodils coming up, that’s when to put on our resolution hat.

Need help keeping your resolutions? Drop me a comment with your resolution then it is in the public domain and you will be more likely to stick to it. Yes that is a fact — if you public state you are going to do something then you are more likely to follow through.

Originally published at Upgraded Life inc.

