
Violetta Ioanna Makri
1 min readMay 20, 2018


After we defined the problem, we had to find out how we were going to solve it. This is where all the members started brainstorming ideas, a process that took a lot of time but after it ended we were sure that we had found the right solution.

We concluded that the best way to bring our startup to life, was by creating a website, easy for use from any professional, no matter what their age or occupation may be, that will make their trading procedure a lot easier.

The website is going to be for everyone who wants to offer any used fabrics they do not need anymore, rather than throwing it out and at the same for everyone that needs any kind of second-hand fabric ready for reuse for a smaller cost than the initial.

Of course we needed to make our clients feel safe while using this platform so it is important to include the country of origin and the previous owner of every fabric, as well as the previous price and the current price.

We concluded that this was the most effective way to attract clients and make their user experience as easy as possible.

