How Progress Helps You Get More Done Than Motivation

And why it’s worth aiming for more than anything else

4 min readNov 8, 2019

At this point in life, not much else gives me the high that progress does.

I’ve been able to achieve some personal goals. Some big some smaller. And thankfully there’s still a lot more to go. I work for myself as a freelancer and manage a couple of websites, get to stay home (an introverts Treat with a capital T) and don’t have to answer to an unfair and advantageous boss (I mean, besides myself). Yayy for that.

But the older I get, the less delight I feel in the things that once made my eyes glisten. Some I’ve outgrown, others I’ve grown jaded to, and others I don’t quite understand (which I accept). It’s like your inner child is changing. And changing a lot, while progress is the only bottle it chooses to suck on to stay content.

More importantly, I no longer believe that I should be happy. I also no longer think my life is about achieving happiness. Instead, I think happiness is a fleeting secondary created as you go through the building blocks of life —as you make progress.

Happiness is much like the scented breeze your hair catches while you fold your freshly washed sheets (just about the only plus of folding sheets, especially the fitted ones). It’s a…




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