The Day I Embarked On a Journey

Vivid mashonganyika
2 min readJun 11, 2023


On the day I embarked on a journey,
The world whispered secrets, ancient and wise.
The wind caressed my face with a gentle plea,
“Leave behind the familiar, let your spirit rise.”

With a heart untamed and a soul unbound,
I set foot upon a path unknown.
The scent of adventure in the air I found,
As destiny beckoned, its melody was sown.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
I ventured forth, eyes filled with wonder.
Each step a rhythm, a silent lullaby,
Guided by dreams and lightning’s thunder.

The sun kissed my skin with golden light,
As shadows danced beneath my feet.
I let go of fears that held me tight,
Embracing the uncertainties I’d meet.

The rivers sang songs of ancient lore,
Their currents leading me to unseen shores.
I followed their melodies to explore,
The depths of my being, forevermore.

In the embrace of nature’s wild embrace,
I found solace amidst its untamed grace.
The forest whispered tales with every trace,
Of creatures unseen, in their secret place.

Through deserts vast and oceans deep,
I carried hope within my weary bones.
The stars above me, my companions to keep,
As I traveled through the unknown zones.

On this journey, I discovered anew,
The strength and resilience deep inside.
Challenges transformed, as if on cue,
Into stepping stones on this soulful ride.

For it’s not just the destination that holds sway,
But the transformation within, as we roam.
The day I embarked, I became the clay,
Molded by the winds that dared to comb.

So let us embark on our own voyage,
Embrace the roads that call us near.
For in the journey lies the privilege,
To discover who we are, without fear.

The day I embarked on a journey,
My spirit awakened, my heart set free.
With each step, a story found its glee,
As I embarked on the journey of me.



Vivid mashonganyika

Meet Vivid, a professional poet who has captured the hearts and minds of readers around the world with his evocative and powerful verse.