Managing Python virtual environments on Mac using pyenv and virtualenvwrapper

Vivi E
2 min readJun 17, 2018


Step 1. Setup pyenv-virtualenv

Make sure that your Mac has brew installed. If not, run the following code to install brew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

If the above code does not work, go to the Homebrew page to check installation details.

brew install pyenv-virtualenv

Step 2. Download python versions

As an example, we can download target Python 3.4.4 version using pyenv by entering pyenv install 3.4.4, or Python 2.7 by entering pyenv install 2.7

Step 3: Setup virtualenvwrapper

Install pip

Make sure that you have pip installed in your computer. If you don’t have it yet, install by running sudo easy_install pip on your terminal

Install virtualenvwrapper

Then run sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper. Once virtualenvwrapper is installed, look for the the directory of by entering which Once this is done, this should output something like /usr/local/bin/

Create virtual environment directory

Create a permanent directory for all virtual environments that will created using virtualenvwrapper by entering mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Setup environment variables

Create/edit your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc to contain the following:

# directory for virtualenvs created using virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=/Users/vivi/.virtualenvs
# ensure all new environments are isolated from the site-packages directory
# use the same directory for virtualenvs as virtualenvwrapper
# makes pip detect an active virtualenv and install to it
if [[ -r /usr/local/bin/ ]]; then
source /usr/local/bin/
echo "WARNING: Can't find"

Enter source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.bash_rc for the above code to take effect

Step 4. Usage of pyenv virtualenvs and virtualenvwrapper

Setup global python version

Setup a global (pyenv) python version (for example, Python 3.4.4) by entering pyenv global 3.4.4. To check if this is successful, run pyenv which python and this should output something like /Users/vivi/.pyenv/versions/3.4.4/bin/python

Create virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper

mkvirtualenv --python=`pyenv which python` models

List existing virtualenvs


Delete virtualenv


Activate (or switch to) virtualenv

workon virtualenv

Deactivate virtualenv

deactivate virtualenv


