How to be Wealthy: 10 Lessons from Joseph Murphy’s ‘How to Attract Money

3 min readNov 13, 2023


The influence of mindset is a powerful force for anyone to see success in life. Joseph Murphy’s guide, “How to Attract Money,” serves for those seeking to navigate the complexities of financial transformation. Here are 10 pivotal lessons embedded in Murphy’s teachings, each representing a cornerstone in reshaping our relationship with wealth.

1, Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality

At the core of Murphy’s philosophy lies a fundamental belief — our thoughts and beliefs about money shape the contours of our financial reality. The idea that we attract what we believe in is a central principle. To cultivate prosperity, it’s imperative to first recognize and dismantle any limiting beliefs surrounding money. By affirming your worthiness of abundance, you pave the way for its manifestation in your life.

2. Focus on Your Desired Outcome

The power of intentionality is a recurring theme in Murphy’s teachings. Beyond mere wishful thinking, clearly define your financial goals with precision. What do you want to achieve with your money? Develop a detailed roadmap, allowing your aspirations to act as a guiding light in your financial journey.

3. Visualization is Key

Murphy’s emphasis on visualization underscores the potency of mental imagery in the manifestation process. Envision yourself already in possession of the wealth you desire, and let the mental pictures be vivid and compelling. As you immerse yourself in this imaginative exercise, you align your energy with the frequency of your financial goals.

4. Affirm Your Abundance

Language, as Murphy contends, is a dynamic force shaping our reality. Adopting a habit of positive affirmations related to money can reprogram your subconscious mind. Regularly repeat empowering phrases such as “I am a magnet for money” or “I am worthy of abundance,” fostering a positive and receptive mindset.

5. Take Action

Inaction is the antithesis of progress. Murphy’s teachings underscore the importance of taking deliberate steps toward your financial goals. Every action, no matter how small, contributes to the momentum propelling you closer to financial success. Consistent effort compounds over time, creating a trajectory toward your desired outcome.

6. Practice Gratitude!

Gratitude, Murphy suggests, is a magnetic force that attracts more of what we appreciate. Take dedicated moments each day to express gratitude for both the financial and non-financial aspects of your life. This practice not only fosters a positive mindset but also creates an environment conducive to attracting abundance.

7. Give Back

The principle of giving to receive is more than a platitude; it’s a profound truth embedded in Murphy’s teachings. By contributing to a cause aligned with your values, you open channels for receiving abundance. Giving, in its various forms, becomes a catalyst for a reciprocal flow of positive energy.

8. Fear Not Spending

A unique perspective Murphy imparts is the redefinition of money as a tool for positive change. Release any fear or guilt associated with spending on things that align with your values and bring joy. This harmonious relationship with money not only contributes to personal well-being but also fosters a positive financial ecosystem.

9. Trust the Universe

At the core of Murphy’s teachings is an unwavering faith in the alignment of the universe with our financial goals. Trusting the process involves recognizing that the universe conspires in our favor, working in tandem with our intentions to fulfill our financial needs. This trust becomes a cornerstone in attracting abundance.

10. Patience is a Virtue

Transformation is a journey, not an overnight occurrence. As you embark on the path of reshaping your relationship with money, cultivate patience. The process of changing deep-seated beliefs and habits requires time and consistency. Murphy’s teachings encourage a patient and persistent approach, reminding us that enduring change unfolds gradually.

Joseph Murphy’s “How to Attract Money” transcends the realm of a mere book; it stands as a roadmap for financial mastery. Rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction, this classic guide not only imparts theoretical insights but also provides practical exercises to reshape your financial destiny.

Book: How to Attract Money by Joseph Murphy

If the prospect of attracting prosperity resonates with you, consider this book as a powerful asset for your transformative journey. Adopt these lessons and witness the profound and sustained evolution of your financial landscape. Your wealth awaits your conscious and intentional invitation; let the journey start.

