What is JUST.GAME?

N.La Katocha
2 min readJan 20, 2020


“Educational” crypto game for adults. It is an experimental game. It utilizes the blockchain for what it’s best at. The game creates an environment which encourages players to interact with it and rewards the hundred last players with cryptocurrency at the end of the round.

The catch is, the interaction of players causes delay in the ending of the round. So some players want the end of the round, and some players want the round to continue, depending on their strategy.

Players among other things, can buy loot boxes which are starting empty, but are being filled with royalties from other boxes being sold over time. Any player can open and destroy his or her box stack and receive double the amount of accumulated royalties, meaning he quit the game.

Anybody can join at any moment, or quit at any moment, both of these actions delay the ending of the round. The game is very unpredictable. If the round look like it is about to end, a lot of new players usually join in.

The goal of the developers was to introduce cryptocurrency to new people in a fun and interesting way. Which it accomplished well in our opinion. You can check it out for yourself here JUST.GAME.

Team JUST, the developers behind the project JUST love satire and irony, the game is a look at cryptocurrency in diapers with such ironic and satiric glasses. The lengthy white paper tells us about a great emotional ride, this ride started from the very beginning. Some people just watch from afar amused, some people are mad because such thing exists and some are happy because it’s just amazing! And the teams are mixing up as I write this article.

One of the truly amazing things about the Team JUST community is the spirit of helping new people how to do stuff, and the creativity of some.

If you don’t have experience with crypto currency, but still would like to be a part of the future now, You can jump right in at JUST.GAME or you can follow our guides on exchanges or wallet add-ons and jump in a little bit more prepared.

Have fun riding the roller coaster!



N.La Katocha

Is an IT engineer specializing in networking and crypto currencies & mining. Lead editor at https://www.ethereumhelp.cz/en/