How To Appropriately Use Fitness Infrared Sauna Pod In Daily Life

Vivo wellness
3 min readJan 9, 2020


Sauna is an ideal way to unwind, relax and warm up during cold weather. This is one of the reasons people have been using fitness infrared sauna pod all over the world for its physical, mental and emotional benefits. Not only do they help you relax, but also:

  • Relieve stress and anxiety
  • Soothe aches and muscle pains
  • Cleanse skin from inside
  • Relax spasm muscles
  • Burn calories
  • Fight illness
  • Reduce body fat
  • Induce deep and peaceful sleep

What else one can expect to live a healthy lifestyle free from stress and pain? But how one can reap its health benefits? This is one important question that many fitness enthusiasts want to know. Here’s everything you may want to know regarding its appropriate use.

How to use a sauna?

Like many other good things, it’s important to use the personal infrared sauna pod in moderation:

Take proper precautions

Though saunas are designed in a way that it can be a safe product to use, but still some people need to take extra precautions. Like, if you are taking medications, or are undergoing any severe medical treatment, you should avoid using the sauna. You can ask your doctor whether you can use it or not, if:

  • You have abnormal heart beats
  • Feeling sick, or may get faint
  • You are a child or pregnant
  • You’ve kidney disease or liver failure
  • Drink two glasses of water before using the sauna

Sauna releases sweat from the body and lose water. So, it’s a must for you to stay hydrated as much as your body can. If you don’t drink enough water before getting inside the sauna, you may get dehydrated. This can lead to heat stroke or worse situations.

Read the instructions to the sauna properly

Each sauna will have slightly different instructions. Before entering the infrared sauna for weight loss or detoxification or any other purpose, it is best to read the instructions first and not make assumptions of your own. Most saunas will carry their own, specific guidelines and warnings.

Use lower temperature at first

If you’re using the sauna for the first time, set it at a lower temperature. Your body is not habitual of its maximum temperature so don’t even dare to. Neither it’s like more temperature will give quick results. Make your body first habitual of its infrared heat and then slowly heat the temperature once your body settles down.

We recommend that you should use the sauna for the first 5 minutes and if you feel comfortable, then you can increase your timing but not more than 25 minutes. 20–25 minutes is enough for a regular sauna session.

After the sauna session

Give yourself enough time to cool down for a few minutes in peace. This will close your blocked pores and boost your blood circulation level. Last, but definitely not the least make sure you drink water to replenish the fluid you have sweated out.

After a few hours, you will feel much relaxed, revived and also be blessed with peaceful night sleep. Thus, be sure to schedule a few good minutes of your life to use a sauna regularly.

