Pomodoro Timer & Playlist Aggregator

3 min readMar 31, 2020


What is a Pomodoro Timer?

Developed by Frances Cocirillo in the late 1980s, this technique helps you learn to love a countdown, rather than fear a deadline. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

What we did?

We thought we could mix our love for music with the Pomodoro Technique so we created our own (follow the link)…

Pomodoro Timer

… with a …

Playlist Aggregator

We have always found it easier to knuckle down and focus on a particular task with some music to inspire us and keep our attention.

We also had noticed that there seems to be many subscribers to the reddit productivity channel that share this trait; so we decided to incorporate a playlists feature into our pomodoro timer.

Vivport Pomodoro Timer with Livestream Playlist
Pomodoro Timer in progress with live YouTube playlist from Chillhop Radio

Though, if you do happen to need a little bit of peace and quiet you can hover over the playlist and press pause.

And of course, if you don’t like music messing with your Pomodoros you can go to the timer settings and switch the playlist feature off.

Vivport Pomodoro Timer Settings
Pomodoro timer settings is where you go to switch off the playlist feature

While we were adding the playlist feature into our Pomodoro timer we decided to add a playlist aggregator page so that you can share (or just mooch) your favourite playlists from Spotify, Vimeo and YouTube with other Pomodoro fans.

Hopefully you will enjoy using Vivport… we’re only just getting started so stick around and follow our journey.

If you have any ideas on how to improve our Pomodoro Timer to better suit your needs please contact us at info@vivport.com.

More about Vivport

Vivport is a simple To-Do List application you can use on any device which has access to a web browser. We have included a few time management tools you can either use or ignore at your discretion.

Whether it be shopping lists, kids chores, home duties, exercise routines, paid work or personal goals, keep on task with Vivport.

As we progress, Vivport’s goal is to develop a single portal to simplify your many lives; hence our name, derived from the Latin roots Viv (life) and Port (gate).

Who did that great Vivport design?

Fortunately, we have friends happy to help out. If you do happen to like their work, please check them out as they really are a great group of talent who are fun and easy to work with (follow this link)…

Brisbane Design Studio

O.k. I’m in

So glad to hear it. We would love to hear any feedback you have. If you’re interested in providing some, then please join us on Telegram (our preferred social)… https://t.me/Vivport

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Vivport is your one page, pomodoro timer and anonymous to-do list; helping you keep on task, with a little something for the music lover… https://vivport.com