Vix Chandra / Sayla
1 min readOct 1, 2017

Do You.

Alps, enroute from Frankfurt > Rome, 2017

Do you dear friend.

For the world sees what you do, but not what you chose not to be done.

Sure, they can hear your words, but never those quiet thoughts;

Oh you know…midnight pleas, morning prayers -secret whispers, whimpers and wishes between you and the universe.

Do you dear child.

Loved ones will wish you their bests, but what’s really best for you?

Who knows…you might. Take your time.

In the end, there are no earplugs for the heart, no xanax for the soul.

But do you. Do you and may you brave through the cold.

Do you dear god.

For I have been struggling to find meaning in this mess of a maze.

I trust, you are kind.

I trust, I am blind.

I was taught to believe you know what you’re doing (most times).

But they say we’re mirrors of you -hell that’s a little scary to be honest, for I am lost, naïve and often…defeated.

May you not do me sir,

Do you.