WIFI Trees

Vikas Nagori
3 min readJan 31, 2022


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The headline in the newspaper read; Scientists developed a new technology of converting the leaves cell into WIFI antennas.

The report further explained. Each adult tree has trillions of cells. The cells in the leaves of a tree where photosynthesis occurs are in the specialised part called chloroplasts. Each cell in a tree can contain up to 100 chloroplasts. Inside the chloroplast, some pigments absorb light and, we have converted this gift of nature into our WIFI antennas.

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Every plant in the market was sold at a cost that one thought felt was high but looking at the future found it worth investing. Every citizen who could afford a plant started planting, for they knew how powerful their signal would be.

Streets started getting planted with a cherry tree that had the speciality of perfuming the air with its flowers. With birds chirping all along, there was music in the air.

Request to Print media with fewer or no prints and special incentives were rolled out for promoting their website in online news.

Packaging industries too were advised to use alternative products for their packaging, instead of regular cardboard and paper, a by-product of the tree.

Hospitals started planting Eucalyptus Tree for its medicinal quality and fragrance that kept people from sickness. There were few sick, and those at the hospital were recovering from surgery more quickly when their hospital room had a tree view.

The air quality started improving with the filtration of harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide from the air we breathe in.

Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50 per cent, thus protecting children on school campuses and playgrounds — where children spend hours outdoors.

Among all, it was the empress and coconut which gained popularity.

The empress tree was one of the fastest-growing trees that could reach the height of 40–80 feet, giving much better clarity and signal strength. Every building started allocating a bigger space and budget for gardening and planting trees.

Many crucial plants were imported, which grew faster than the regular ones, like the Hybrid poplar.

Many organisations came forward educating the world is growing more and better trees. The streets started looking much greener and colourful, fruit and flowers in unique shapes.

The effect was long-lasting as the trees reduced the amount of stormwater runoff, which reduced erosion and pollution in our waterways, reducing the flooding.

Far in the jungles, all the animals and birds were rejoicing as they had not seen a single tree cut in a long time. Birds chirped all the way and felt secure that they could build a home secured enough not to be destroyed again by any human being.

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Fallen tree leaves reduced the soil temperature and soil moisture loss. Decaying leaves promoted soil microorganisms and provided nutrients for tree growth.

The law & order were beginning to get solved as most of us responded to the presence of trees beyond simply observing their beauty. They fell serene, peaceful, restful and tranquil in a grove of trees.

My life looked filled with joy and love until I opened my eyes to a dream.

But this dream left me thinking.

“If trees could give off WIFI signals, we would have planted so many and probably save the planet too.

Too bad, they only produce the oxygen we breathe.”



Vikas Nagori

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