Comparative Analysis: In-house vs. Outsourced 3D Game Art Development

Vizent Solutions
4 min readDec 26, 2023


In a world of high-speed technology and modern tools, many companies around the world are choosing third-party teams to keep their plans and missions informed and moving forward. The game development sector in particular has expanded significantly in this direction since the pandemic. With the increasing demand for new games’ 3d architectural rendering services many game art studios are relying heavily on game art outsourcing companies to get the job done.

Game art outsourcing companies have the potential to solve a variety of problems, but some are difficult to solve through outsourcing. Many companies remain wary of using external service providers to speed up quality work. Therefore, in-house production has advantages and disadvantages compared to outsourcing. To make an informed decision between these two options, it is important to know all the weighting factors.

Top Reasons for In-House Game Art Production or Outsourcing

Before we delve into the benefits of each in the game development industry, let’s take a look at the overall main reasons why the game art production vs outsourcing debate is ongoing.

Both methods are beneficial.

Key Benefits of In-house

In in-house, a company uses its employees to complete all tasks. This means that all employees work under one roof and need to leverage each other’s expertise and collaborate.

Easier Communication -Many companies choose in-house production because the entire team can work under one roof. This not only creates strong connections within your team but also helps you complete orders faster. Moreover, when problems arise, different teams can approach and collaborate, especially for tasks that require a multidisciplinary approach.

Quality is maintained- Teams working in the company pay more attention to maintaining the quality of their work. This is mainly because employees can be evaluated directly on the job. Plus, when responsibilities are defined, deadlines are met and workflow is always on track.

Increased employee trust- When a company hires employees and offers multiple benefits, employees remain loyal to the company. Loyalty is very important because you know your employees are fully committed to the success of your company. This means that they will be retained for a long time and will benefit the company.

Key Benefits of Outsourcing

In outsourcing, you can hire people with the right skills for the job from anywhere in the world. This way, you won’t have to compromise on the quality of your work and will get a great final result.

Ideal for both long-term and short-term projects- Scaling a project often requires the allocation of significant human resources over a relatively limited period, which can be very stressful. Outsourced game art companies can expand their capabilities relatively easily. Companies may need to undertake ad hoc, short-term projects. The ideal solution to this is to outsource the job rather than hiring new employees from the beginning. You can cancel the contract once the work is complete, saving you money.

Endless resources to help you find the right person- Many platforms can help you find the right talent for your project. Easily find professionals with the skills you need like 3d architectural rendering services. You can then specify their area of ​​expertise, and estimated time to complete the project.

In-House or Outsourced in the Game Development Industry

There are certainly many benefits to in-house production, but the most important feature is the ingenuity and proactive approach of developers. Many claim that it is very helpful to know the entire work schedule and see how the employees are working in front of them. Plus, it’s easier to manage teams, deadlines, and workflows. That’s why in-house development is not completely outdated yet.

However, game art outsourcing companies have their advantages that may or may not outweigh those of their predecessor studios. For example, when it comes to in-house production, developers can rely on micromanagement that hinders the creative process. That’s why their discussion remains fresh. When it comes to the gaming industry, both in-house and outsourced methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Now that we know the main benefits of these two approaches, let’s take a look at how they apply to the game development field.

Benefits of Outsourcing Game Art

Hiring game art outsourcing companies to develop game art makes life easier for employers.

For example, hiring an outside company to create all or part of your game will cost slightly less than hiring a full-time developer. Game software development requires expensive tools. If you want to develop your own game, you will need to purchase these tools. This is an expensive business. However, if you outsource the same task to an independent contractor, you only need to pay the developer for the work.

Additionally, outsourcing allows you to hire experienced developers, which saves your company the cost of training and hiring new developers. Overall, outsourcing 3d architectural rendering services to a third party means you can improve the quality of your product and save money. Additionally, outsourcing jobs can help you focus on important administrative tasks. But on the other hand, this is also a great opportunity to spend time and energy gathering new ideas, resources, and funding to develop and market new and successful games to the right users.


Overall, game art outsourcing companies may be enough to speed up your project, but it’s not without risks. Similarly, home production has benefits and risks. At the end of the day, it will be your leadership style and communication that will determine which approach is best for you and your project. Whichever path you choose, the success of your game should be your top priority. If you’re looking for a game development studio you can trust, look no further than!



Vizent Solutions

As specialists in 3D game art services, Vizent was the studio of choice when transforming virtual worlds into immersive.