Aleo Ambassador Program

What? Where? And how?

3 min readApr 28, 2023

Aleo Ambassador Program is a community program that aims to bring together people of the cryptosphere who are passionate about the project and support it with their active involvement.

The program was launched in March 2022 and is still evolving — changing conditions, adding new members, running plenty of events etc

There are 4 tiers of ambassadors:

1.Apprentice — a new active member of the community who creates content of all kinds and levels

2.Voyager — a “golden apprentice” that creates high-quality content, hosts Aleo meetups, and actively participates in the community

3.Maestro — a participant who helps to develop the project, community, offers new and unique ideas, contests and other activities

4.Maestro-checker — an Ambassador of the highest rank, entrusted by the team, and responsible for reviewing other Ambassadors’ works

So how to grow in the project? And what about the evaluation of the contribution?

For all the work participants are receiving Aleo Points (that have NO inherent value). Members used to get points for each round of the Ambassador Program (from one recruitment of new members to the next). Maestros were receiving 50 points, Voyagers — 40, and Apprentices — 25.

Now Ambassadors can control the number of points they receive by making different types of content:

NOTE: only Ambassadors can collect points for their works

BUT: other members of the Aleo community can receive points for winning the Monthly Technical Quizzes or Community Contests

Nevertheless there are limits. In order to keep the role Apprentice need to collect MINIMUM of 4 points, MAXIMUM of 30 points within one month. If the maximum number is collected for 2 months in a row, he/she will be promoted to Voyager.

A Voyager must accumulate a MINIMUM of 8 points in a month to remain an Ambassadorship. The MAXIMUM that a Voyager can collect per month is 40 points. In order to become a Maestro, a Voyager must accumulate 40 Aleo points monthly for 3 consecutive months.

All the works of Apprentices and Voyagers are being reviewed and checked for quality by Maestro-checkers.

REMEMBER: The more activities created for points, the higher the quality threshold is for each activity, so Maestros are able to dismiss work if they think it is poor. Quality is very important

Aleo Bot

For evaluation, all Ambassadors upload their creations to a bot (on a Discord server). This facilitates the work of Maestro-checkers, as well as the process of submitting works by other Ambassadors. Now it’s much easier to check which works have already been evaluated, as well as how many points have been received. Creating a leaderboard was also the great decision, which I think will result in more motivation for Ambassadors to create better works and upload them as soon as possible in order to get into the top 30.

Twitter Handbook

It goes without saying that in order to improve the quality of Twitter threads, the team prepared brand guidelines detailing the rules for creating works.

In short:

  • No typos
  • All information is correct
  • Logos and colours come from brand page
  • Max two hashtags per post (not necessary)
  • There is an included action item for readers

More information may be found in the Twitter Handbook

What’s next?

Currently there are about 200 ambassadors, but it’s not the limit! The team plans to expand our family and invite new members.

Next ambassadors’ recruitments: the 5th of May. The form will be opened for the first 1000–1500 people.

AND OFC, if you are a newbie, you also have an opportunity!

An article with all the hints will be posted soon. Stay tuned ;)

P.S. The team is incredibly grateful for everyone’s input, and if you have any questions, we are always happy to answer them.




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