Summary of Sui AMA: #CapyHolidays

5 min readJan 14, 2023




Akasha — co-host


Damir —engineer in MystenLabs. Godfather of Capys

Bauer —product manager in MystenLabs


What are Capys?

D: a game-like project that defines Capy objects. Ownable assets (generic Sui objects) you can play with, dress, trade, sell on marketplace and use to authorise smth.

Why Capy Holidays?

B: It’s just cool. We wanted to add it on a special time log, time base event with new features, lockable mechanism with the boxes. We were hoping to bring a lil bit excitement and fun.

D: It’s all about Christmas atmosphere. We always wanted to create smth with fancy functionality that is limited and has custom attributes that are non-inheritable.

Tell us more about devnet. Are Capys still a developer preview that exists only on devnet and there’s gonna be no airdrop?

D: Yes, and no airdrop.

What are the special features of Cappy Holidays?

D: We have functionality like gifting, magical sharing/sending a Capy and randomness.

We avoided the main functionality of Capys — bridging, when Capys are placed together. We wanted absolutely new app that gives you smth special when you give smth for someone else. You’re able to create custom Capys with personalised attributes. To track and count transfers we give a reward — premium ticket which allows to receive premium box. And what is more — we allow to use restricted transfers on Sui. All of this happened in the backend. In the interface is: the button is unlocked, you can collect the Capy. But at the backend is: you guarantee Capy Post, sending a gift to someone, track your record, receive a premium ticket that you’ll again give to Capy Post, pay some fee and get premium box.

Dynamic object fields are used to add objects to a Capy — helps us to track all the transfers and to optimise size and usability.

Redesigned accessory store — every time a new Capy is purchased, the new item is created.

What’s next for Capys? Will be there smth new implemented or composable NFTs?

D: We’re gonna have a lot of fun, that’s all Capy are about. That’s the way to explore Sui and it possibilities, game mechanics. We will make it more stable. In a couple months we will have a big improvement which is gonna be transactional scripts. We are working on it with Sui Moves.

What about Capys, we are thinking about creation a Capy App and publishing more documentation on Capys (how to build on Capys). They’re are not just a project — they’re a mini ecosystem (each accessory is like an app, that you may remove, because everything works at a separate Move module).

We are working on extendability of Capys and supporting community projects that make use of Capys.

What will Sui be focusing on? Capys or foundation/building? What is the distinction between Sui foundation and MystenLabs?

B: As we said, we are a part of the MystenLabs team. And we are working on development of Sui ecosystem. Regarding Capys, we are focused on continue to deliver innovation into Sui Move. Now we have a potential to have interconnected apps.

AKASHA: In short, we are doing both building Capys and focusing on foundation.

Are you able to give any metrics on how many Capys were created, minted, traded?

B: Yeah, we had a blog post about the winners of Capy Holidays contest. During 2,5 week event we had about 1 million Capys created, more than 2 million gift boxes opened, about 1,5 million sent out and about 125k tweets shared about the event.

When is Sui mainnet launch?

B: This news will be shared across Twitter, Website and Discord. We don’t have data yet. Approximately in the first half of this year.

Are more NFTs coming this month/next few months?

B: We see coming traffic all the time. Regular Capys, not holiday version, are still very much operational.

D: Capys are not exactly NFTs. Inside Capys are just bytes. Technically they’re not a picture that you may buy. Yes, they’re non-fungible, and have unique ID, but not unique by property and value. Capys are more an asset, an object.

Is it possible to create normal NFTs on Sui or is there another reason you choose not creating actual NFTs?

D: We have another way of creating NFTs like an assets with better security guarantee — Sui Ownership Guarantee.

What are the other cool things you can do with NFTs?

D: Capys themselves are like an NFT collection. It hasen’t image, just the name and description. Also, we can define each object on Sui as an asset that we may trade, sell or buy. We can store it in a shared place.

Capy code is a few dozens lines, not too hard. We created it to be composable, attachable and flexible. You create smth, and then you may build on top of that, mix, compose, and it’s so easily understandable by the ecosystem, wallets, explorer. To understand smth you don’t need interpretation, everything is in front of you.

What if there will be another ecosystem similar to Capys?

D: Technically if both ecosystem will be designed in a flexible way, there could be an agreement. There could be a way to bridge different characters if it makes any sense. But it’s not a good practice to allow the third part to freely create new Capys, because it creates complexities in what property do we allow them to mint.

What are the use cases of Capys?

B: Build with it, on top of that, reuse the logic, build extension, play. Its value is in experience using it.

Is there any plans to bring Capy into play-to-earn in near future?

B: It’s not our focus. We’re focused on the play assets with fun aspect, different functionalities and use cases.

Will be launched any Capy coin?

D: We don’t have plans on releasing the coin. „Why would we create it?” We don’t have an answer on that question and don’t have a reason to create that.

What is the difference between the Sui and Aptos ecosystem? When the release of Sui token?

D: Sui token will be after the release of mainnet. We recently published the tokenomics that is available here.

Sui and Aptos are completely different ecosystems. Technical differences: smart contracts platform. Two different languages with different storage models. We have this object model (transferring, sharing), while Aptos uses slightly different variation of Core Move with another storage model (more centralised). Sui is more decentralised with better ownership of users’ assets and full control over what you own.

Why you designed such tokenomics?

AKASHA: the token distribution was designed with the community in mind. 50% of Sui token distribution is dedicated for community: grant programs, research, development and validators. More info here.

B: The team was focused on sustainability. But the more correct answer will give you a team that was working on tokenomics.

Will be any merch with Capys?

AKASHA: Merch will be available for winners of Capy Holidays competition.

How many Capys the person can mint and is the minting already started?

AKASHA: Capy Holidays is over, but you can create regular Capys. You may do that on

TY for playing on with us on Capy Holidays!




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