Summary of the panel on glimpse into 2023 with Anthony Rose and Ramon Canales

What was achieved in 2022 and what to expect in 2023?

3 min readJan 6, 2023




Anthony Rose (A) — Head of Engineering of The Matter Labs

Ramon Canales (R) — Product at The Matter Labs and zkSync


ZKSYNC: What was accomplished in 2022?

A: During 2022 we gradually build month by month towards Baby Alpha:

February — zkEVM Architecture Upgrade and the first version of testnet

June — virtual machine and the Account Abstraction feature

August — Dinamic fees Milestone — attempting to price the usage of the system in accordance with the computation and data required by transaction most people were doing in zkSync

October — proof generation — turn on the general purpose of proof system

October — Deployment of Baby Alpha — deployment of system to mainnet — focus on security and performance

During which:

  • Multiple audits
  • Code4rena contest
  • Bug bounty program
  • Gas optimisations

Baby alfa is on closing point — it may end any day now and the system is in a very good position for onboarding external users.


2022 —we were building the system, optimising and configuring it

2023 — we plan performance improvements, new features, optimisations with external development teams, active usage of the system by real users

More info about milestones here:

ZKSYNC: Has there been any critical issues that you found so far?

A: No. We are checking systems that carried the most risk, especially the Layer1 contracts (nothing critical found there) and then the Layer2 (will be checked soon). System is constantly checked and re-checked.

ZKSYNC: Is there any big announcements what will happen in Q1 2023?

A & R: After audits we will have a major milestone — Fair Onboarding. System will be open (dev teams will be able to deploy their dApps on zkSync mainnet), the bridge will be locked down and no more users will be able to access the app and make transactions. There will be a period where all teams will present their ideas to team (no FCFS, all will be fair).

P.S. we are preparing more documentation and tooling for developers and users and are working on developing user experience to get more people in Ethereum blockchain.

ZKSYNC: Are there any events that zkSync community members can join in Q1?

R: Huge events throughout the year — the team will hear your requirements, stories and what do you expect from zkSync

RUBEN: Is there an airdrop?

R: No token or airdrop. We are talking about building something to help scaling Ethereum, not how to generate money from tokens.

ONBLOCK: Will be any ambassador program or incentivised testnet?

R: We plan a lot of community activities: DeFi advocates and hackathons grants. We will host another AMA focused on community things we plan to do. Keep an eye on our Discord.

ONBLOCK: Where I can apply for community manager?

R: We will be opening a few extra positions for community manager along the year. But there is also happening a lot in Discord, not for official roles. Discrod is the main contact with community so keep an eye on Twitter, Discord and official website.

JFK: Is the any plans for metaverse or Layer3?

A & R: We want to provide a platform that will give developers ecosystem where they can have a very low-cost transaction environment. BUT Layer2 is not sufficient for hundreds of thousands of transactions per second (while building a game or consensus). So the Layer3 is the answer: more customisable, with low-cost fast transactions without the limit of the number of transactions.

R: We are creating Layer3 to enable apps and providers to create serves that will really work for general population (and the population doesn’t need to know that there is blockchain behind it).

More technical explanation from Anthony you may find here from 4:30

ZKSYNC: Do you have anything to add?

R: We appreciate your activity and we love to interact with you

ZKSYNC: Happy New Year and get ready to kick off 2023. Thank you! See you again soon!




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