Summary of The Sui’s Wave to Mainnet: Permanent Testnet

2 min readApr 3, 2023



Jen, Adeniyi, Janet & Jordan


No official plans for airdrop

All the invitations to Sui airdrop — SCAM

What you learned from the first two waves of Testnet?

A lot of ecosystem learning, features like programmable transaction blocks that end up a game-changers of what you can do with network, a lot of ideas for new features that benefit the ecosystem and wallets.

Why Permanent Testnet is different from previous waves and what are the new features?

Wave 1 was about bootstrapping the initial network

Wave 2 was about staking, delegation and helped us to mature the tokenomics design

In Permanent Tetsnet we bring this all together. We’ve done a lot for network stability and performance. It is not turning down, but a long-running network that is fully decentralised (with open source protocol — there’s 96–97 validators in network). What about features? We’ve brought them together over time: we will have all the fundamental building blocks that will be the core of developer experience, we’re proud of very powerful primitives around programmable transactional blocks, we’re launching sponsored transactions (users have not to be explicit about paying for the gas and signing all the transactions) within initial gas station mechanics, on-chain assets storage and its randomness, private NFTs (visible only for the owner), and an ability to build a long-standing apps.

All of this is community effort and born of the feedback from the community.

Why do you have testnet?

Testnet is for testing purpose, checking the latest software that is close to mainnet. We shouldn’t acquire monetary tokens, can easily conduct stress testing and drills.

Why testnet was not permanent from the beginning?

We wanted to keep our traffic engagement. We were also maturing software update capability at the protocol for the Sui framework and the move VM in parallel.

Challenges in launching Permanent Testnet?

We will see more and more apps coming online, community interactions with apps, a lot of testing that the entire platform is gaining together, learning the operational orchestra, a big amount of validators. But we’re prepared to this.

Expected success

We’re eager to see how long dapps take to update and how easy it will be to adapt to. Also the quality of builders and their apps, we want to have GEM apps that people will want to interact with. And as was mentioned before, the introduction of sponsored transactions and work with on-chain storage.

What happens with details of previous tetsnets?

At the end of each wave we reseted the entire network, they were intended to be transient.

Why the data was wiped up?

It takes a lot of storage and accumulates data that is not useful.




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