One Gram Coin Hits Media by Storm!

Vizionary Official
2 min readApr 9, 2018


OneGramCoin — Gold Backed Cryptocurrency

OneGramCoin (OGC) has been making waves as it is the first gold-backed cryptocurrency and it’s beginning to get a lot of attention from its alignment with Islamic Financial rules. Early this morning, news broke across the Reuters news media outlet 4/9/2019 at 2:27 AM Eastern Standard Time. Since Reuters broke the story, there have been many other outlets sharing similar stories pushing that OGC is primed to enter the mainstream.

“We are trying to prove rules and regulations from Shariah are fully compatible with digital blockchain technology” said co-founder Ibrahim Mohammed, according to Reuters.

Islamic countries are responsible for about 1% of the total world GPD, and tapping into this market would be substantial. Muslims that observe Shariah financial rules will not invest into anything that pays interest or can be considered gambling. This dissuades the majority of the Muslim population from taking part in buying or using cryptocurrencies as cryptos up to this point has been predominantly speculative.

Since OGC is backed by a tangible and stable asset it may not have the same issues with global acceptance. Within 24 hours there was breaking news around OGC from:

With so much positive press and increased interest in OGC it will be hard to see a future wherein OGC isn’t successful. Ibrahim Mohammed concluded by saying:

“OneGramCoin will be the biggest rival to Bitcoin, once it’s adopted by the Islamic Finance, the amount of interest from investors and the attention we have in the medias is tremendous. Our team is working diligently to launch the tokens on our blockchain by mid June.”

OneGramCoin Official Website
Buy OGC: Goldguard
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