Choosing the Right Co-founder for Your Startup

Volkan Kirtok
7 min readJan 13, 2023


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When choosing a co-founder for your startup, it is important to look for someone who complements your skills and brings a unique perspective to the table. Some key qualities to look for include:

1.Passion and drive: Your co-founder should be just as passionate about the startup as you are and be willing to put in the necessary work to make it successful.

2. Complementary skills: Look for someone whose skills complement your own, such as a technical co-founder to complement a business-minded co-founder. It is worth noting that having a diverse team does not only mean diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, but also in terms of skills, experience, and perspectives. A team that bring a mix of skills and perspective from different industries, disciplines and backgrounds are more likely to innovate and come up with new ideas. Research has shown that having a diverse team can lead to improved performance and success for startups. For example, a study by Startup Genome found that startups with diverse founding teams have a higher chance of success and are able to raise capital more easily than those with less diverse teams.

3. Roles, expectations and responsibilities: Being clear about expectations, roles and responsibilities is crucial for co-founders when launching a startup. Each co-founder should have a clear understanding of their own roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the company. This includes setting clear goals, establishing a plan for achieving those goals, and determining how success will be measured. Additionally, the roles and responsibilities of each co-founder should be clearly defined and communicated to avoid overlap or confusion. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Without clear expectations and roles distribution, co-founders may have different ideas about what the startup should be, leading to confusion and lack of direction.

4. Shared values and vision: It is important that you share similar values and have a similar vision for the company. Ideally, your co-founder should bring a unique set of skills and experiences to the table that you don’t already possess. This can help fill any gaps in your own skill set and increase the overall strengths of the team.

5. Good communication skills: Being able to communicate effectively with your co-founder is crucial for the success of your startup. Clear and regular communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and aware of what is happening within the company. It is important for co-founders to establish open lines of communication and to be transparent about their thoughts and ideas. This allows for the easy identification and resolution of any issues that may arise. Without proper communication, misunderstandings can occur, leading to delays and setbacks for the startup.

6. Trust and integrity: Trust and integrity are vital in any relationship, but especially important in a co-founder relationship as it will be a long-term commitment. Trust in one another allows for open communication, effective problem-solving, and decision-making. Without trust, co-founders may be reluctant to share their ideas and concerns, which can lead to delays and stagnation in the company’s growth. Integrity ensures that all co-founders are accountable for their actions and are committed to ethical and honest practices. This is essential for building a strong foundation for the startup and for gaining the trust of customers, investors, and partners.

7. Work ethic and commitment: Starting a company is a big commitment, starting a new business is a challenging and demanding process, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication, so make sure your co-founder is just as dedicated and willing to put in the work as you are. A strong work ethic ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively, while commitment to the startup guarantees that all co-founders are fully invested in its success. Without a strong work ethic and commitment, the startup may struggle to progress and achieve its goals.

8. Willingness to take risks: Starting a company is a risky endeavor, and it’s important that your co-founder is willing to take on that risk with you. Starting a new business is inherently risky, and co-founders must be willing to take calculated risks in order to achieve success. This means being open to new ideas and approaches, and not being afraid to try something new, even if it may not work out. Without a willingness to take risks, a startup may be hesitant to innovate and may struggle to stand out in a competitive market. Co-founders must be willing to take risks to build a new business and be prepared to accept the potential consequences.

9. Curiosity and passion for the problem solving: Having equal curiosity and passion for problem solving is crucial for co-founders when launching a startup. Starting a new business is an iterative process that requires a lot of problem solving and experimentation. Co-founders should have a shared curiosity and passion for understanding the problem they are trying to solve and finding innovative solutions. This means being open to new ideas and approaches, and not being afraid to try something new. Without a shared curiosity and passion for problem solving, a startup may be hesitant to innovate and may struggle to stand out in a competitive market. Co-founders must be willing to think creatively and be prepared to experiment to find the best solution.

10. Working or Spending some time together: Working together allows co-founders to develop a better understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and working styles. This can help co-founders identify how they can best complement each other and work as a cohesive team. Another reason working together before launching a startup can help co-founders build trust and establish open lines of communication. Trust is essential for effective problem-solving and decision-making, and open communication is crucial for the progress of the startup. Working together before launching a startup can help co-founders identify and resolve any potential conflicts or issues before they become major problems. By spending time working together, co-founders can test their compatibility and build a solid foundation for their startup.

11. Economic interest: It’s important to have an alignment on economic interests as well. This ensures that both the founder are aligned on what they want to achieve, both in terms of returns and growth. Economic interest also includes understanding the financial risks involved in starting a new business and having a plan in place to manage those risks. Without alignment in economic interest, co-founders may have different priorities for the company’s financial success, leading to disagreements and potential failure of the startup.

Some of the successful co-founders and why their partnerships worked:

One example of a successful co-founder partnership is that of Bill Gates and Paul Allen, the founders of Microsoft. Despite being high school friends, they have different strengths and skills: Bill Gates was a software developer and had a business acumen, while Paul Allen was more of a technologist, who was good with hardware. They complemented each other and were able to build one of the most successful technology companies in the world.

Another example of a successful co-founder partnership is that of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google. They met at Stanford University and formed a partnership based on their shared interest in technology and innovation. Their different backgrounds in computer science and mathematics, allowed them to bring a unique perspective and skill set to the company, which helped to drive its rapid growth and success.

Another success story is that of Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, the founders of Facebook, they met at Harvard and started the company together. Mark Zuckerberg had a vision for a social network that connects people and Eduardo Saverin had the business acumen to turn that vision into reality. They were able to build one of the most successful technology companies in the world.

These stories show that having a co-founder can bring a great deal of value to a startup, from complementary skills and experience to shared values and goals. The key to a successful co-founder partnership is finding the right person, with the right skills, experience, and attitude, who shares your vision and passion for the business.

Bonus: Some Quotes on Co-Founding:

“The most important thing in a founder-CEO’s job is to recruit the right co-founders. These are people who share your vision, but also have the skills and experience to build the company.” — Mark Zuckerberg, Co-founder of Facebook

“Choose your co-founders as carefully as life partners. You’ll be working with them for decades.” — Drew Oetting, Co-founder of InDinero

“Choosing the right co-founder is like getting married. You need to have a shared vision for the future and a deep level of trust.” — Eric Ries, Author of The Lean Startup

“The right co-founder can be a game changer. They bring a fresh perspective, different skills, and can help you navigate the ups and downs of starting a business.” — Elizabeth Gore, Entrepreneur in Residence at Dell Technologies

“You can’t build a great company alone. A co-founder can provide the support, expertise, and motivation you need to take your startup to the next level.” — Neil Murray, Co-founder of The Next Web

“When choosing a co-founder, find someone who is just as passionate about the business as you are, and who has the skills and experience to help you turn your vision into reality.” — Alex Konrad, Forbes Staff Writer



Volkan Kirtok

Builds digital strategies and products that have the power to change people's lives.