Getting Started with BigQuery

6 min readFeb 27, 2024

Getting started with Google BigQuery involves a few foundational steps that set the stage for efficient, scalable data analysis. From setting up a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account to creating datasets, loading data, and executing your first queries, this guide will walk you through the initial steps to leverage BigQuery’s powerful data warehousing capabilities. With its serverless architecture, BigQuery simplifies data analysis, allowing you to focus on deriving insights rather than managing infrastructure. This section aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to BigQuery, covering account setup, dataset creation, data loading, and basic query execution.

In this series of article we are focusing on below topics:

  1. Big query : An introduction
  2. BigQuery’s Architecture and Working Mechanism
  3. Getting Started with BigQuery
  4. Advanced Big Query concepts
  5. Authorised Views in Big Query
  6. Best Practices for Big Query

Setting Up a Google Cloud Platform Account

Before diving into BigQuery, you’ll need a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account. GCP offers a range of cloud services, including BigQuery, and it starts with setting up an account:




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