Several features allowing to understand that you are a sociophobe

Loneliness is a new chapter of your possibilities, so smile.

Vladislav Urzhumov
2 min readNov 27, 2019


A lot of young people call themselves the term “Sociophobe”, but what is it and how don’t mix up it with “Introvert”. At first sight, this view of a modern man who looks aloof and withdrawn, who doesn’t be like crowds and he or she follow for general principles or rules.

I mean what is different between these terms. If digging deeper then we see that speech doesn’t go about proud or independent behavior. Social anxiety is a mental disorder spoiling the life of man.

There is observed a thin border separating introvert and sociophobe in the world. The first who can be good managers or motivators and second who suffer from their involuntary loneliness.

Some differences between the terms

An introvert is a person who was born in such a condition and with time the person gets an attempt in it, a sociophobe is acquired the condition of the soul.

Introversion - is a feature that a man receives from birth. There is he feels comfortable. The other side it’s received in the process of life. The man is aware he behaved differently. Explaining for it can be various, perhaps it was resentment and betrayal or other stuff.

There is an introvert feels comfortable in loneliness while a sociophobe feels only calm.

When an introvert is exclusively in his company or with relatives he gets to enjoy and doesn’t want to leave his area of comfort. It is a single reason why he rejects from cheerful parties. A sociophobe doesn’t mind aloud evenings and parties but he is afraid that he would not notice or would be ridiculed. Kind of such people can’t victory their own fear.

The first can support some conversation but second can’t, he just is afraid of intercourse.

Anybody’s opinion influences differently for the introvert and the sociophobe. The introvert is only interested in the views of relatives while the sociophobe critically perceives everything that somebody thinks about him.

The sociophobe develops perfectionism, the introvert satisfies his flaws.


In our time, social phobia has become a constant phenomenon. There are about 15 million people live with this disorder in the USA.

If you doubt then ask yourself do you belong to a sociophobe and check series of the above symptoms.

Just relax and be friendly

The people who have this mental disorder can be cured, but as a rule, it needs a psychotherapist.

Even a sociophobe has people with whom is comfortable, so frequently having conversations and you understand that society is not dangerous for you and don’t forget “Be friendly even if it takes a lot of effort”.

