Harold is happy to use Xamarin. Until he tries to use third-party packages.

Xamarin sucks

Vlad Faust
1 min readFeb 6, 2015


We all heard about Xamarin. It obviously has certain advantages (read its official site) and disadvantages (one, two, three). There are so many discussions on this topic.

The thing I want to speak about is a third-party libraries implementation. It sucks. Official Parse.com Xamarin package doesn’t support Parse Push Notifications. There is no any C# implementations for my favorite BetterPickers lib. It’s awful.

In fact, I stay in dependency on some unknown lazy people who can theoretically convert Java/objC code to C#. Okay, you say that I can do everything for my own. But Xamarin positions itself as rapid cross-platform app developing tool — minimum inconveniences, maximum speed, use only C#. However, to make native bindings I still have to be very familiar with more than one programming language — it cannot be rapid, huh?

As a result instead of fast development cycle we have tons of errors, days of headache and a great amount of knowledge required to work with Xamarin freely — and it totally sucks. Xamarin is better than others but not ideal. I stay with native Android development.

P.S: this all is in addition to bugged IDE, limited code sharing, enormous app size, high prices and lean community.

