Vladimir Metnew
1 min readAug 21, 2017


I absolutely agree with you, because React itself is a composition of different well-known design patterns.
But I still don’t understand what’s going on with all this legal stuff, so anything below might be wrong:

As I understand according to this tweet: FB has list of patents. This list includes patent on React. If this list will be disclosed, React will be “safe” for usage. But we don’t know what’s exactly patented: either React or something inside React or something else.

“Something inside React” probably means libs that power React. Like invariant or VirtualDom.

Also, it doesn’t seem possible to patent paradigm (like VirtualDom or “component based” model).

Some developers say that Preact and Inferno are poisoned too even if they are MIT licensed. Other developers say that it’s ok to use these libs.

I have to remind that: “I don’t understand the whole picture of this conflict”. But it’s very sad to see how FB used (or maybe “fooled”?) community to build a great lib and then use React as a trojan horse. Really, just imagine how many people work with React.

React’s ecosystem wasn’t built only by FB, it was built by every developer that worked and still works on libs/tools/starters/guides/plugins for React and its ecosystem.

