Tim Ferriss Podcast #184 — Shep Gordon

Vlad Kraven
2 min readSep 9, 2016


Named to 100 most influential by Fortune. PR guru to maximize fame. Inventory of celebrity chef model. Tony Bourdain released a book on his life.

  • Started in media by accident in the 60’s/70’s. After getting beaten up as a probation officer, moved to Hollywood. There he accidentally met celebrities through selling them psychodelics.
  • Through that, he went on to manage Alice Cooper for 40 years.
  • Favorite stunts?
  • “You don’t have to wait for history, you could create history.”
  • Took that philosophy to entertainment
  • What appeals to the audience? With Alice the connection was hatred of parents.
  • His mission became to have parents ban kids from buying his records.
  • After lackluster ticket sales, how does he get every parent in London to hate Alice Cooper, in ten days?
  • Rented a truck and stuck a picture of Alice Cooper naked with a snake on it, and drove it through Piccadilly Square. Press ate it up.
  • Instead of 1,000 true fans, they focused on 1,000 true haters.
  • Making Alice the face of rebellion.
  • Rick Ruben, “The best art divides the audience.”
  • Rookie mistake — announcing what you’re gonna do before you did it.
  • Talented managers promotes the essence of the artist.
  • All for the client, not getting as many clients as possible.
  • He always warned his clients that they may become so famous it will destroy them.
  • Supermensch based on him.
  • Ask of audience: realize how lucky you are to be born in America, in this time.
  • See the miracle in anyone.
  • Managed Wolfgang Puck, Nobu and many more.
  • Schedules time for the things that make him happy. Jacuzzi or cook time to ground the mind when overwhelm is onsetting.
  • The need for fame is often driven by the desire to be recognized. To a hole.to fill. Often, when they find that fame, the hole remains unfilled.

Buy Tim Ferriss’ latest book, Tools of Titans.

Originally published at vladdit.

