What Is Architectural Visualization?

Vladlen Ovchar
6 min readSep 11, 2018


Architecture is the occupation that requires a lot of skills and attention. It takes dozens of years to build beautiful buildings that surround us and shape our cities. Designing a building along with construction itself is a complicated and expensive process. Every change and every mistake cost tons of money. Thus, the whole process must be planned beforehand.

This is when architectural visualization comes to the scene. With the help of a special approach and using high-quality software solutions, the professionals in this field get an opportunity to visualize their idea in the digital form first. So, let’s talk about the solutions that would be useful in this case and discuss the most prominent ones.

What Is Architectural Visualization: a Brief Introduction

What is architectural visualization? This question concerns both experienced professionals in this field and junior architects that have just started their career. Landscape architecture visualization is a term that describes the possibility to see an architectural design before it is built. It allows creating simple sketches, interactive 3D virtual tours, etc. It is interesting, innovative and profitable!

Interactive architectural visualization is a great way to promote your products and services, present your company as a tech-savvy one and win customers’ attention. It is nothing new that builders, architects, real estate specialists, interior and exterior designers can skyrocket their career and the success of their agency using this approach. It allows potential customers to see the property without leaving their houses. It is convenient, and it positively impacts their customer experience. Besides, this approach is quite innovative, so you can get ahead of your competitors if you provide such a service.

The increasing need for brand-new technologies will stimulate their comprehensive development. Visualizing architecture has a huge potential as it can be used for multiple purposes, such as real estate design, staff training, and marketing.

Facts You Should Know About the Architectural Visualization Company

Innovations like this bring huge opportunities. But it is not a piece of cake to develop and set up the solution without the help of architectural visualization firms. The skilled specialists in this field know exactly how to create the solution which is just a digital reflection of your architectural idea. Those experts know how to optimize it and save your money. Furthermore, when a 2D or 3D solution is ready, you can customize the future project. It will cost you time and money, but it will help you get exactly where you want to be — among the headliners of your industry. However, you still need to employ the services of the best architectural visualization companies in order to join the visualization hype.

The 3D design has recently become something more than just a hobby. Now, those who used to be just 3D enthusiasts are skilled experienced professionals. Architectural visualization studio is the place you can find them. Here, it is all about professionalism. The more experience a studio has in delivering the best architectural visualization, the better their impact on your project will be.

Among the best architectural visualization firms, we can find the names like Brick Visual, Ronen Bekerman, Easy Render, etc. They are powerful yet expensive, so it doesn’t make financial sense for most entrepreneurs to use their services.

Alternatively, you can turn to a nearby architectural visualization studio.

Architectural Visualization Services

When looking for your business partner, you better look twice at the company’s expertise.

Architectural visualization services include 2D and 3D visualization. Observing the digital object from every angle is a fascinating experience. Technologies can let you and your customers feel like traveling in time to see the ready-made building. You can walk around, go down the stairs, see how big the room is, etc.

2D drawings can be complemented with a 3D journey to increase customer’s excitement. Some methods are for creating only a basic picture with slight shadows. The others mean using more advanced solutions. In this case, the three-dimensional modeling software is necessary.

Various options are available:

  • Still Rendering, or Real Photo Rendering

With the help of this technology, a programmer creates an image of the building’s exterior or the landscape around it. What is crucial, this digital picture looks extremely realistic, like a photo taken only a couple of minutes ago. The maximum realism is one of the key advantages.

The high level of performance of the architectural visualization website is reached with the simulation software. The user can have a virtual walk inside or outside the building and try different versions of the design. For example, if the client of your real-estate agency would like to color the rooms in green, he or she can see the result by clicking just one button.

You can get a clear plan of the apartment with the precise number of square meters for each room and what they would look like. The input data and a special algorithm will provide you with a detailed vision of each floor.

This is one more chance to win customers’ attention. Potential customers always wonder where the apartment for sale is located. You can satisfy their curiosity with the panoramic view option.

Another aspect we have not discussed yet is a renovation. The architectural visualization software can help you not only design a building from scratch but also renovate architectural monuments or apply changes to existing buildings.

Architectural Visualization Portfolio

There are tons of companies in the market. We believe that most IT companies add architectural visualization to the list of their services by default. There is one great tip on how to choose a trustworthy partner for cooperation. Take a look at the portfolio provided and make sure the company has the real experience. Besides, testimonials would be also useful. What is important, make sure all the company’s projects have something in common with the idea you would like to bring to life.

Architectural Visualization Software: Meet Forest Glade

Software architecture visualization combines different approaches, techniques, and creativity. And we actually love it.

Recently, we had the opportunity to join the list of creators of the best software for architectural visualization. Our project, Forest Glade, is a solution built within the short terms but with great passion.

We were tasked with creating a solution for finding apartments. This app required over 6 months to be developed, but we came up with the idea much sooner. We created rendered graphics depicting the real estate objects, collected the information about them, and launched the solution.

Forest Glade is a 2D interactive app we are proud of. It is featured with the following functionality:

  • custom interface;
  • fast and convenient search;
  • useful filters;
  • automated data uploading, etc.

Now, just with several clicks, a company gets the access to a powerful tool for the architectural visualization. There is too much to talk about, so go check it yourself!

Final Thoughts

Everyone can benefit from using architectural visualization software. An architect can save money on design changes and modifications. Builders come to a better understanding of how the building should look and can calculate the costs more precisely. In turn, clients get a clear picture of the final product and can take it into account when deciding on the purchase.

Drop us a line to implement new technologies in the business of your life and make your company a headliner in the industry.

Originally published at webcase.studio.

