Don’t Let The Terrorists Win

Vlad Mkrtumyan
3 min readFeb 3, 2020



Sometimes I think about that line…

What if a guy was going to jump off of a building and then someone from the crowd yelled it. Inappropriate? Probably, but I find it funny in my own crazy way. You ever laugh at a joke that no one else laughs at? That’s because they don’t have a sense of humor, I’d probably laugh at your joke.

Anyways, I’m part of a startup and it can no doubt be depressing sometimes…to think that people don’t feel sadness

Elon Musk famously says: “Being an entrepreneur feels like chewing glass while staring into the abyss of death”.

He said he got that quote from his friend, but I’ll attribute it to him…don’t know his friend’s name at the moment.

One thing I know is that I’ve never been to the abyss, but I have watched my grandmother get cancer and eventually die.

I used to come home from college when I was 18 and have to take care of her because no one else would or they’d all be too busy too. At the end when she got too sick my family eventually stepped in, but at that point I was too heart broken to help her so they repaid me her last week and a half of life.

That was probably the worst time in my life ever…All I would do was go to college and then take care of a dying old lady, go to sleep rinse and repeat for four months. Once it was over I still felt horrible, but started feeling better eventually. Then I started doing startups at 19 and things got topsy twervy again…but now that I think of it there has never been a lower point in my life.

While I was going through that pain I told myself that nothing would or could ever be worse. As long as I remember that low point in my life, sometimes I forget it, but when I do remember that point I understand that I’m in a one million times better place. We are all dying right now aren’t we? When she was dying she was suffering, but still alive and able to smile.

At one point she couldn’t smile anymore because she was in so much pain. Then the medicine for chemotherapy made her go crazy. I was sitting on the couch and she asked who was sitting next to me even though no one was there.

At that point I felt horrible…at that point I knew she was the one not there anymore…I was depressed during that time and my grades slipped even though I still graduated college 2 years early. I did graduate early, but with a 2.7 gpa so I guess I use that time in my life as an excuse for why my gpa was so low.

So low…Iike that time I found out a girlfriend cheated on me…what a bitch. I forgave her though, but we still broke up. I forgive everyone and all the pain that has happened in my life. You know how they say that the worst blows are the ones you don’t see coming? Well it’s true….The thing is though once the blows are over you’re in a much better place.

Even if you die you’re in a better place, though I know suicide is the worst way out. Why would you want to create something that you know is already going to happen? If you go suicide then you’re getting rid of that .0001% chance that things are gonna get better. You’ll die eventually so you might as well buy that lottery ticket. Don’t you remember when things were worse?

Are things really not in control? You can at least let yourself bleed all over these blogposts like me. Shit happens…it smells horrible, then it gets thrown into the soil and things grow out of it. Sometimes grass, sometimes trees. When I get depressed I think of my grandmother and thank everyone who has ever been a part of my life. Bless everyone I think to myself, may they all be a million times better. I know I am because I don’t have to watch someone I love die everyday while taking care of them. When I get depressed I look over the ledge of horribleness and imagine what could go worse. I feel weak and shaky, like I’m going to puke…but then I think to myself.


Now lets take that .0001% lottery ticket and kick some ass while we’re on this journey.



Vlad Mkrtumyan

I ask 1 big question and write about the answer, then I implement it. I do this to both move my business forward and give value to others :-)