CyberTalents — iam legend Web Challenge Writeup

\o/ Hey there, back again with another Web Challenge writeup, this time a fairly easy challenge, the complicated part was to find the tool needed!

Vlad Toie
2 min readAug 5, 2018

Let’s get started :

Challenge description

-Moving on to the page that has this particular login panel:

arghhh .. at first i thought that it would be another SQL challenge..

-While inspecting the Source Code…

We can clearly see that there is an interesting string, which at first I thought would mean brainfuck encrypted stuff, even though it doesn’t really look like one.

After some “research” i managed to understand how that string was encoded, something called “java-script-fuck obfuscated text“. The tool that i use to decode was found on this link.*Note: Most of the other tools did not show something useful or simply crashed*

This was the result of the De-obfuscation

The flag is: {J4V4_Scr1Pt_1S_S0_D4MN_FUN}

You can try to use the credentials Cyber/Talent to log-in and you get the following pop-up

As i mentioned previously, this was a fairly easy task, the challenging part if I may say so was finding what that string was and what tool to use. Thanks for watching



Vlad Toie

Penetration testing enthusiast. bobi | Founding member of the HTsP Cybersecurity team.