AI generated article with ChatGPT: Biggest world problems in 2023

Vlad Selitbovskyi
3 min readDec 7, 2022


I don’t have time to write articles, but I want to have my blog. Thanks to OpenAI, now we can ask an AI to generate a text for us. So I am leaving it here, let’s see if anyone finds any interest.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

The world today is facing a multitude of complex and interrelated problems. From climate change and inequality to conflict and disease, these challenges have the potential to impact every person on the planet.

One of the biggest problems facing the world today is climate change. The Earth’s climate is changing rapidly due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, leading to rising temperatures, more extreme weather events, and other impacts. These changes pose a threat to the planet and its inhabitants, including increased risks of drought, flooding, and sea level rise.

Another major problem is poverty. Despite significant progress in recent decades, millions of people around the world still live in extreme poverty, without access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. This not only undermines their well-being, but also hinders their ability to participate fully in society and realize their potential.

Hunger is also a pervasive problem in many parts of the world. Millions of people suffer from malnutrition and other health problems as a result of not having enough to eat. This is often linked to poverty, but can also be caused by factors such as conflict and natural disasters.

Conflict and violence are also major problems facing the world today. Wars and other forms of violence continue to plague many parts of the world, causing suffering and displacement for countless people. These conflicts often have complex and interrelated causes, such as political, economic, and social factors.

Disease is another major challenge facing the world. Deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and Ebola continue to cause widespread suffering and death, especially in developing countries. These diseases can have devastating impacts on individuals, families, and communities.

Inequality is another major problem facing the world today. Inequalities in income, education, and other areas are prevalent in many parts of the world, leading to social and economic disparities that can have long-term impacts. These inequalities can undermine social cohesion and hinder economic growth and development.

Corruption is another pervasive problem that affects many countries around the world. Governments and institutions that fail to serve the interests of their citizens can lead to corruption and other forms of misconduct, which can undermine trust and confidence in these institutions.

Environmental degradation is another major problem facing the world. The overuse of natural resources, pollution, and other human activities are damaging the environment and threatening the health and well-being of people and other living things. This can have long-term impacts on the planet and its inhabitants.

Finally, access to education is a major challenge facing the world. Millions of children around the world lack access to quality education, hindering their ability to learn and thrive. This can have long-term impacts on their future prospects and opportunities.

These are just some of the biggest problems facing the world today. Addressing these challenges will require collective efforts from governments, institutions, and individuals around the world. Only by working together can we hope to overcome these problems and create a better future for all.



Vlad Selitbovskyi

Co-Founder & CEO of Places App. Applying growth hacking to scale our startup and sharing our journey