Happy Singh
1 min readApr 15, 2023


“Satisfaction is the end of success"

"Happiness is the beginning of satisfaction"

"True success brings real happiness"

1. Although we run behind success for happiness but contrary success brings additional responsibilities which fade away our happiness... That why understand and strive for true success because only true success brings real happiness. Success and satisfaction are contrary to each other.

2. What success mean to you money or happiness. Often success in today’s world related to money, more the money you have more successful you will be considered. Money comes with additional responsibilities and lot of tension which generally snatched the happiness for which we are running behind money. It is because money brings temporary happiness which soon fade away. Human mentality to get more and more is never ending desire which ends with the individual only. True success is what which give you the inner happiness and which is always be with you. Now ways to achieve this happiness will be different for different people. To achieve this happiness individual need to pick up his own motivation which he can carry long way until get success of true happiness

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