How to Setup Angular your Windows

V Learn
1 min readApr 7, 2020


Step 1

Create a project folder and then you have to open the command project from that folder.

Step 2

Make sure you have installed node js on your computer

Then type command npm on command window and click enter to check whether npm was working correctly.


Step 3

Then after that you can check the nodeJS version by typing node -v click enter

node -v

Step 4

Then you have to install angular cli for that you have to type click enter

npm install –g @angular/cli@latest

After the successful installation you can check your angular cli version and some other relevant details

Step 5

Now type ng new and your project name

Ng new firstAngularProject

Then it will start to download and install relevant packages for our project

step 6

Now navigate to the newly created project

cd firstAngularProject

Step 7

To start web server type ng serve and click enter

ng serve

After the configurations of web server open your favorite browser and go to mentioned default URL

In my computer it’s http://localhost:4200/

