Flat Earth or Round Earth?

Valentin Matcas
14 min readApr 16, 2018


The easiest way to find out if Earth is flat or round, is to go high up in the air to see it for yourself. …Yet currently it does not matter how high you go, Earth looks always the same: flat. Therefore, anything that you may assume now is possible, and this is why you find all these speculations about a flat Earth throughout the Internet. …And to make matters worse, everything that space explorations offer today is faked, from constructed pictures claimed to be genuine, to videos showing transparent, pixelated, black and white astronauts.

…And this is exactly what draws more and more people today to investigate the flat Earth theory for themselves, yet are they on the right track? Genuine research should be free of beliefs from the start, otherwise, you do not research the true shape of Earth, but you research the possibility of Earth being flat or round, depending on your initial beliefs. You may never base your research on beliefs or you end up with more beliefs, and not with valid knowledge. This is the difference between genuine reasoning and simple thinking, since genuine reasoning is associated to valid knowledge, while thinking may use both knowledge and beliefs whatever seems adequate, or whatever people do. …And there is more, because reasoning and genuine knowledge remain consistent always throughout entire lines of causality, while beliefs remain valid and accepted only within the particular groups of people adopting them. …And this is why dogma is constrained to individual religions, nations, cults, political parties, etc.

…So make your choice now, because if you start this research determined to prove that the Earth is flat, or that the Earth is round, then you may end up with even more beliefs, and the world is full of them. …While if you keep your reasoning flexible, rigorous, and accurate, you might find your valid answer right away, before this article is over.

What we seek in this research, is to follow an entire line of causality capable to take us to the true shape and nature of Earth and of the world. We want to start with main causes and not with effects or appearances. For example, many Flatearthers state that the force of gravitation experienced at the surface of Earth originates in a presumed acceleration that Earth undergoes upwards, and this is why now objects fall downwards. This remains invalid, because there is a difference between the inertial and gravitational mass. Even more, gravity is a central force and it is always associated with objects, not with surfaces of objects.

…Yet people tend to try to prove main causes by proving their effects only, and this is called empirical study. We want rigorous, comprehensive research and not empirical, and therefore we seek primary evidence leading to the true shape of Earth. It was easier if all space explorations provided genuine study material yet they do not, everything that they offer is faked.

Another reference that you may find on the Web related to flat Earth is Coriolis. Coriolis is another central force and it relates to spinning space objects. If you have a merry-go-round nearby, the Coriolis force will try to push you sideways while you attempt to walk towards the center of the merry-go-round while it spins. Try it, to find this sideways force to be significant in magnitude, matching the centrifugal force that you experience normally on the merry-go-round, which is also a central force.

Coriolis makes Western Europe to be significantly warmer than Eastern Canada for example, because Coriolis pushes the main Atlantic current sideways to the east, bringing this way warm water and therefore warm temperatures to Western Europe. Coriolis also makes the water of your sink to spin clockwise when it drains if you live in the southern hemisphere, and counterclockwise if you live in the northern one.

Therefore, if the water in your sink starts spinning when you pull the plug, it means that the Earth is round and it spins, right? No, not at all! …Because the vertex in your sink is a consequence or effect of the rotation of Earth and not the main cause, and therefore it cannot be related directly to its shape, but only indirectly, through its presumed motion.

Throughout the Internet, people assume that water starts spinning randomly while it drains, and at least this is easy to research. Go to your sink right now, fill it with water, pull the plug, and watch the water start spinning as it drains. Is this vertex random or not? …Because once water starts spinning, it seems that gravity alone is capable to intensify and therefore maintain this vertex. However, use your hand now to try to stop this vertex from spinning, or try to spin it the other way if you can, because Coriolis alone will form it back and maintain it at the same direction and magnitude, depending of the latitude where you happen to live. You may see now how you cannot reverse the spin: the water will always spin in only one way while draining: counterclockwise if you live in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise if you live in the southern hemisphere.

…And again, this does not prove that Earth is round, but only that it might spin. …Because flat disks may spin around their center too, inducing a similar Coriolis force.

…What flat disks? Earth from the current Flat Earth Theory resembles to the picture of this article, with the North Pole at the center, and with Antarctica to surround the entire flat Earth in a high wall of ice. Study this picture or map of the flat Earth, to find it abstract or theoretical only, since Earth cannot be depicted on scale everywhere, but it is magnified radially outwards, and this is why continents on the southern hemisphere seem considerably larger, with Antarctica large enough to encircle the Earth.

…Again, if we had genuine pictures of Earth taken from space we could have seen the normal shape of all continents and find the truth. …Yet when you study the few images claimed to be taken from space you see clouds only, and if you manage to find identifiable land it is always shown on various scales, depending on the space mission claiming to have taken the pictures.

Find these images on the Net and study them for yourself right now, to witness the fakery. Does this mean that Earth is flat? …No, not at all, it only means that these particular space missions are faked, or that all space missions are faked. Why could space missions ever be faked? For all reasons, from fraud to dogma, orders, agendas, ignorance, incapability, irresponsibility, or even absence of space itself, with Earth being as large as the entire Reality, with nothing left outside to be considered empty space!

This presumed Earth disk from the Flat Earth Theory, if it spins, it may induce a Coriolis force capable to create the vertex from your sink indeed, yet this vertex should spin in the same direction in both northern and southern hemispheres. …And this is not consistent with what it is observed on Earth, because if you take your sink to Australia you notice a clockwise vertex, it goes the other way in Europe, you can never stop it or reverse it, while if you take it to the equator you notice no vertex at all. Coriolis remains consistent with a spinning Earth object around its axis indeed, and not with a spinning flat surface around its center. …Yet this does not mean that Earth is spherical either, but only that it could be a spinning space object. …Which might be spherical indeed, since the surface of Earth seems relatively smooth as observed from here. …Or it might be plain flat too. Besides, with our Reality being as large as Earth itself, flat or round, it makes no sense to seek its true shape, just because you cannot have an outside perspective allowing you to observe and therefore consider its overall shape and form. This might be the case all along, and I study this subject in details throughout many of my books: ‘The Human Reality,’ ‘Astral Planes and Your Other Realities,’ ‘Flat Earth,’ ‘The One,’ etc.

…While the entire reasoning of this article remains empiric so far, because we have performed our study backwards along the line of causality, from the effect to the main cause. …This is how we ended up investigating Coriolis, which is a presumed effect of a presumed spinning object, while this whole time we are trying to find out if Earth is flat or spherical. Do you see how explaining effects will never solve our main task but will always answer a question with the truth of a different question? Do you see how you always have to find your way to the main cause that determined all these effects, study it, understand it entirely, and only then you may attempt to answer your question? …Otherwise you end up with beliefs and debates, but not with valid facts. …And the world is full of beliefs, dogma, and ideologies, so why should we come up with another one?

There are other studies on the Internet trying to make you believe that Earth is flat or spherical, studies tackling other effects of a presumed flat or spherical Earth, depending of what their researchers believe in. You may get to see around the Earth for example, when you manage to see with a telescope distant objects that should normally fall under the curvature of Earth. Science claims that these are mirages, while Flatearthers claim this way that the Earth is flat. This study is also empirical, based on observations only. Notice how this experiment is done only above water, while Earth should be flat or round above land too. What happens, is that there are ways for the rays of light to curve themselves through continuous refraction and therefore remain parallel with a curved surface of Earth over long distances. This may take place when the index of refraction is higher below than it is above, and this can happen when the air below is colder and therefore denser than the air above, which is the case many times above water when water remains colder than the air right above. You may perform this experiment with a telescope in all weather conditions, and if you can still see around the Earth, then the Earth must be flat indeed. If not, then the Earth could be spherical or in any other shape. This experiment remains empirical from the start, since there is an entire line of causality that you must consider in order to decide rigorously if Earth is flat or round, and not starting from a causal observation only, which takes place when you may see with a telescope distant boats that should normally fall under horizon, and therefore remain impossible to be seen.

You may also take a mechanical gyroscope with you while flying intercontinentally, if you are allowed, and this will tell you exactly if you follow a straight or curved trajectory during your flight. This is an easy way of proving that Earth is flat or round, and it is not even an empirical study, but a comprehensive one!

What is important to mention here, is that the entire flight path that your airplane takes remains consistent with a flat Earth, and not to a spherical one. Airplanes are not allowed to fly point to point in the world, but they have to follow specific flight corridors. …And this is why if you try to fly from Australia to South America you have to pass through Dubai, Los Angeles, or Chicago, which are all in the northern hemisphere. Now study the flat Earth to find Australia and South America diametrically opposed, with your flight path taking you indeed through Dubai, Los Angeles, or Chicago while trying to go from Australia to South America. Is Earth really flat? Commercial airplanes fly as though the Earth is flat indeed. However, all flights are forced to undertake these specific flight corridors for various reasons, including safety and military reasons.

…And therefore, this is how airplanes fly today, miraculously following the shortest pathways according to a flat Earth, and not according to a spherical Earth. There are websites allowing you to follow and trace all flights in the world, live, yet you never get to see the few flights going straight from Australia to South America for example, since they disappear over the ocean, to reappear later on when they are closer to destination. Something is hidden here, and we have to find out what it is! …Because it is not your incapability to find the truth regarding the true shape of Earth, but this knowledge is held away from you, on purpose.

Why do intercontinental flights from the southern hemisphere remain hidden and diverted through the northern hemisphere always? Is this indeed the shortest pathway according to a flat Earth theory? This is not difficult to answer, since not only airplanes travel the Earth, but boats do too. Boats follow the spherical Earth model to navigate, since it offers considerably shorter ways.

Flatearthers claim that cellphone towers offer GPS service throughout the world since there are no satellites up there, because satellites cannot hold orbits in a flat Earth model, yet all boats have GPS service everywhere in the world. Even more, when sailboats compete in round the world races, they sail closer to Antarctica in order to follow the shortest path, and this is consistent with the spherical model of Earth, not with the flat one. If you have a sailboat you may easily research the true shape of Earth, and it would not even be an empirical study, but a rigorous one.

Airplanes might have to follow the flat Earth map because this is the only contiguous flat map to depict a spherical Earth, and this is what they probably have to follow. …Yet people may write a flight navigation software that considers a spherical Earth model, probably similar to what boats use. …And to make matters more confusing, airplanes are not allowed to cross Antarctica, even though it might offer them a shorter flight. It seems that authorities follow the flat Earth map not necessarily because it is the only contiguous flat representation of Earth, but authorities follow the flat Earth theory entirely, not only its map, in everything that they do and implement in the world, including irrelevant space science, faked space explorations, faked satellite communication, and forced intercontinental flights.

Why are you stopped from finding the true nature and shape of Earth? …Because you are stopped from developing your awareness of your wider environment and this is not the only occurrence, since you are stopped from learning valid knowledge in all domains and not only about space, astronomy, and cosmology. Now study the people controlling the world, to find them just as unaware in what it concerns Reality and the wider world, as the rest of the people of the world, regardless of what they may claim or believe. Throughout my books and articles I study these social actors in control of the world to find them following very tight ideologies that restrain significantly their awareness of the world. …And this is why you may hear them now referring to old beliefs and religions, and even to old superstitions and alchemical knowledge, because this is how they think and believe. These people believe in a flat Earth strongly, and now this belief transposes to everybody in the world through their tight control, and so it includes you and it determines you now to search the truth or even to believe directly in a flat Earth too. …And this is why more and more people research the Flat Earth theory today. Do they follow this way the tight agenda of this supposed elite? …Why? …Why Flat Earth?

Flat Earth remains consistent with the tight religions and dynasties of the Dark Ages. Throughout the world, religions were very tight, very demanding, and very harsh everywhere in the world, throughout endless Dark Ages. …And many times, further in the past, you venerated the human elite as though they were genuine deities. …And now, with an entire world ready to accept the knowledge and beliefs of those old, dark times including the Flat Earth theory, these dark ages are ready to return and be implemented, once again. You will not only work for the elite then as you do today, but you will venerate the elite as it happened before, entirely. …And it all starts with this sudden determination to believe that Earth is not spherical, but flat. …But is Earth truly flat, or it is spherical? In order to find out the truth, you have to separate beliefs from valid facts. …And you may do so only through genuine reasoning and not through simple ideological thinking.

We may unveil now all circumstances and social actors leading to this ambiguity related to the true shape of Earth, yet we still have to find the true shape of Earth first. In order to do so, we have to start our study with the main causes and premises determining a true model of Earth, model that includes its true shape and nature. …And we have to consider the entire world in our study, and not only the Earth itself.

We have to start with the study of Existence and Reality, since these include Earth, along with its nature and shape. It took me dozens of books to model Existence, Reality, other realities, reasoning, consciousness, and the entire wider world. The world is not as steady as Science defines it, but it can be shaped and reshaped by people and by life in general collectively, since everyone has a choice in the world. …Yet people have to remain consistent always, because Existence remains unique in the world. Therefore, your beliefs shape and reshape the world today, while your beliefs are closely monitored, implemented, shaped, and reshaped by the elite social actors mentioned above. Currently, the people of the world shape and reshape the world on behalf of a small elite, and they do so only implicitly. …Yet when the people of Earth start venerating its elite directly and in the open, then they do it explicitly, and it is then that the people of Earth can create directly exactly the world that this elite desires, expects, and demands. The world may become flat and dark again, if demanded, while you will create it all in any shape and form, as ordered, expected, and influenced. …Or you and your entire bloodline will be long gone if you refuse to do so, and this is what the current and future world depopulation is all about. …Because the shape of Earth depends directly on the nature and life of the world, and not the other way around.

Is Earth flat or round? Currently, Humanity lives on the surface of Earth, only. Humanity does not go anywhere else, and therefore today the world remains flat in theory, restrained to the surface of Earth, only. It is possible that nothing exists beyond the surface of Earth since no one goes elsewhere, and therefore no one needs anything else but this surface, only. It is possible that in the future more space becomes available beyond Earth, if the people of Earth need it, and if they all intend and are allowed to go there. Because it seems that the people of the world will always create their world as demanded only, and not necessarily as they need it themselves. …While those controlling the world are not exactly the social actors found in the open today, that you may see in the news for example, since these are controlled directly by higher and more powerful forces, that are controlled by higher and even more powerful forces, and so on even exiting this Reality.

…While Humanity is used only to take the blame for anything that they ever enterprise, at any level and in any circumstance, and so the entire wider world manifests, with you caught in the middle of this all. …And everything is exactly about your reasoning and beliefs. …Because while ignorance causes you to accept beliefs in place of valid knowledge, altering this way your reasoning, both knowledge and beliefs shape and reshape the world through your choice and expectancy of the world, depending on their strength and consistency in the world. …Because you truly create your world according to your control, persistence, and determination. …And now when you look around you, you may see the world that you have created mostly unknowingly, including the evening news. This is where you live, this is what you are worth, this is what you do, and this is who you are.

What can you do to help? You can help indeed, since you have your choice in the world. …Yet it might be too late now, since you have made your choice in the world long ago, when you chose servitude, authorities, entertainment, along with material pleasure and divertissement, while ignoring your direct responsibility in the world. You may still seek to choose to develop continuously throughout life, as you do now while researching this subject, since the world develops alongside you. You may choose to reason for yourself, distinguish between beliefs and valid knowledge, learn the truth in a rigorous manner, and make it right this time, create the world that you expect for yourself, and for everyone else! You can make the world flat or round, but make it right this time!

