Victoria Lopez
2 min readMay 11, 2024


I wake up, not of my own free will.

It saddens me to know my alarm clock is her.

Screaming and wailing — hunger or thirst?

A slave to the city that entraps my mind and body.

There is nothing of mine that I own anymore.

Everything was taken,

Stripped down to this one thing

That has become my everything.

Identity is life’s way of saying

“This is your purpose, this is your why.”

When that too is taken from you,

What is it that holds everything from coming out?

It’s the way those eyes stare up at you.

The way that, that voice calls to you.

How nothing can matter

After the hand is wrapped around your finger.

No longer am I slaving for a purpose that I feel I need to carve my way through.

No longer do I spend my energy in ways that will allow me artistic freedom that I once needed to let out.

For it is my job to care for the one thing that holds me together.

The bundle that keeps me sane and insane, never knowing which one I feel.

They may see a slob.

They may no think that this is worth even calling a job,

But until they have the capacity to meet me where I am

They will never understand.

For you are the greatest thing that life has to offer.

You are the greatest thing I will give anything for.

The greatest opportunity that I will never regret saying yes.

You are my Life.

You are my Love.

And you are MINE.

