5 Things you might not know about PHP

Vlad Reshetylo
2 min readSep 21, 2022


I like PHP mascot :)

Even after years of professional PHP development, you might not know some interesting features of modern PHP (i will consider PHP 8.1 in this topic). You can get stuck on a legacy project, work primarily with your own code, and skip PHP release notes — there are different ways to skip new (or even old) excellent points of PHP usage.

Today I will tell you about five interesting (in my opinion) things you could want to know.

  1. First-class Callable Syntax

PHP got this feature only in the 8.1 version, so you easily could skip it if you are not a big fan of release-notes reading (which is a significant omission).

To be short — you can pass any function or method as a variable. Just call it with “…” instead of arguments.

Pretty nice and more readable, isn’t it? :) You can do it even with built-in PHP functions:

2. Null Coalescing Assignment Operator

A pretty common task in data processing is filtering null variables and replacing them with some defaults. PHP has a special operator used to reduce the number of conditions in your code

Little bit artificial example:

It’s not a significant improvement, but it makes your code shorter and cleaner.

3. Array destruction in the foreach loop

Sometimes our data is not well-structured (especially in tasks like CSV parsing), and we should handle the data using number indexes like $data[0], $data[1], etc. Good news — there is a prettier way!

Array destruction is quite an old PHP feature, but when I met it right in the foreach definition — I was surprised; I had never thought about this way of destruction usage.

4. Multiple arguments of “isset” function

It’s written in the official docs, but who does read it, right? ;)

To be short: you can pass multiple args to “isset” functions, and you will get “true” only if all that args are set.

Short example:

5. New method “array_is_list”

PHP 8.0 brought us many lovely things, one of which is this function. Now you can get to know if you have a list or a map in a variable without manual checking its keys. This problem got 300K+ views on StackOverflow, and now there is a built-in method for this — array_is_list!

Not sure if it’s necessary to show an example here, but let’s do that

That’s all for today! I will happily see you in the comments if you learned something new today!

