A Day in Masai School….

Murali Krishna
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


Before coming across my routine day at Masai School let us know what is Masai School. Masai School is a career school where you can learn Full-Stack Web Development and Android Development. A Day in Masai school…. will explain my experience and the learning style, so let’s get started….

Speaking about how a day goes in Masai will be equal to my total experience. Imagine a day that starts with Meditation and a little session (Scrum) that speaks about the day curriculum and motivation to stay focused. Yeah! , that’s how my day starts in Masai. For the next two hours, my DSA session goes on, then after a Skillathon session which focuses on my soft skills. After then I will complete my lunch and get started for the coding session. This is how the teaching timings are scheduled. Then after a small break, I sit to complete my assignments where I re-call my concepts. There will be a stand-up session goes at 8:00 pm every day in the evening where I will clarify my doubts. This is our 9–9–6 curriculum is all about 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM for 6 months.

The learning path is well designed in order to grasp the concepts and clarify the doubts. Every alternate day there will be a DSA contest and everyday coding assignment. The end of every week has one DSA and coding Evaluation. Same as at the end of Unit which is for one month which also includes one Group Project. All these assignments, projects, contests will improve perfection.

Typical Educational Colleges vs Masai School

Software Industry has rapid changes the language which is mostly used now will become less used tomorrow. The industry level usage of tech tools, languages, frameworks is not taught in Typical Educational Institutes, while they are still stuck in the past. But Masai goes through industry-level usage of tech tools. It always keeps updated in terms of what frameworks, languages are most used at the Industry level and changes curriculum according to it. Which makes it best for companies to hire students from Masai.

Skills vs Degrees

Things that Masai believe is skill rather than degree. Masai takes students irrespective of their past education and shapes them. The hiring is also set up in a way that there will be no Aptitude tests.

