Meal App: Exploring Delicious Meals with Android MVVM Architecture

Vimal Patel
4 min readAug 25, 2023


If you’re a food enthusiast and an Android app development aficionado, the Meal App is the perfect showcase of how to blend these two passions. The Meal App is a demo Android application that not only allows you to explore a plethora of delectable meal categories but also offers a seamless user experience thanks to its utilization of the MVVM architecture. Let’s dive into the world of flavors and code to see how this app works its magic.

Bottom Navigation for Effortless Navigation

The Meal App boasts a bottom navigation bar that serves as your culinary compass. With three intuitive tabs — Home, Search, and Favourites — you can easily navigate through the app’s offerings and find your desired meals.

Smart Navigation Graph for a Fluid Experience

Say goodbye to clunky navigation woes. The app employs the Android Navigation component’s navigation graph, ensuring a smooth transition between different fragments. This intelligent navigation mechanism enhances user experience and keeps you engaged in your culinary journey.

Dagger Hilt: A Recipe for App Structure

Behind every successful app lies a robust structure, and the Meal App is no different. It employs Dagger Hilt for dependency injection, ensuring a scalable architecture that’s easy to manage as your app evolves.

Sparkling Animations with Facebook Shimmer

First impressions matter, and the Meal App nails it with Facebook Shimmer integration. Loading animations greet you on the start screen, creating a visually appealing experience right from the get-go.

Home Fragment: Discover Culinary Delights

The Home Fragment greets you with a curated list of meal categories displayed elegantly using a RecyclerView. You can mark your favorite categories, making it a breeze to revisit your most-loved culinary styles.

Favourites Fragment: A Taste of Your Preferences

Your favorites deserve a special place, and the Favourites Fragment provides just that. It showcases all the categories you’ve marked as favorites. These preferences are stored efficiently using the Room Database, ensuring they’re ready whenever you are.

Explore Meals in Detail

Select a meal category, and you’ll be presented with a list of tantalizing meals. Clicking on a meal takes you to the Meal Details Fragment, where you’ll find a treasure trove of information about the selected dish — name, image, ingredients, and instructions — all presented in a mouth-watering format.

Search Fragment: Finding Made Easy

Craving a specific meal? The Search Fragment lets you search for meals by name, making it a breeze to find exactly what you’re looking for.

MVVM Architecture: A Winning Recipe

The Meal App is designed using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. This separation of concerns ensures a clean, organized, and easily maintainable codebase.

ViewBinding for Seamless UI Binding

No more findViewById woes! The app employs ViewBinding to effortlessly bind UI components and layout elements, enhancing both code clarity and developer productivity.

Networking Magic with Retrofit

The Meal App taps into the power of Retrofit to handle network requests. It effortlessly communicates with TheMealDB API, fetching a cornucopia of culinary data to satisfy your curiosity.

Navigating with Finesse

Thanks to the Android Navigation Component, transitioning between fragments is a delightful experience. Seamlessly move from exploring meal categories to diving into their details, all with a few taps.

Room Database: Storing Your Favorites

With Room Database, the Meal App ensures your favorite meal categories are stored securely. Whether you’re exploring the app or restarting it, your preferences remain intact.

How to Indulge in the Meal App

GitHub Repository: Meal-App on GitHub

To embark on this culinary adventure, follow these simple steps:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Open the project in Android Studio.

Build and run the app on an emulator or a physical device.

Ingredients (Dependencies)

To whip up the Meal App, you’ll need these key ingredients:

  • Dagger Hilt: For injecting dependencies seamlessly.
  • Facebook Shimmer: For those eye-catching loading animations.
  • Android Architecture Components: To keep the app’s architecture solid.
  • Retrofit: Your go-to for networking prowess.
  • Glide: Aiding in seamless image loading.
  • ViewBinding: Making UI binding a breeze.
  • AndroidX Navigation Component: Ensuring smooth transitions between fragments.
  • Room Database: For storing and retrieving your cherished favorites.

Savor the Flavors of the Meal App

The Meal App isn’t just an app — it’s a culinary journey. It’s a testament to the power of well-structured code, thoughtful design, and the love for both food and technology. So, dive into the world of flavors, explore meals, mark your favorites, and make your Android development journey as delightful as a gourmet feast. Bon appétit!




Vimal Patel

Quality-oriented professional with 7+ years of experience and a proven knowledge of application development, programming, and database design.