
27 min readMar 22, 2019

-- vs

I have the exact same information on these two sites for my credit report, and i am having two different sets of numbers for credit scores. Like my experian is 625 w/ and with fcr. its 654. I mean thats a big difference. and when i went to the bank to get a loan just last week it was 636. and they pulled my experian report. Why such the big difference. Which is the one to rely on?

Answer : I might suggest you to visit this website where you can get from the best companies: .

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Which is the best credit card to get after bankruptcy?
I recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and have begun to receive numerous credit card offers by mail. I want to begin repairing my credit so that I can buy a house within the next 2–3 years. However, I want to be extra careful about the card I choose. What sort of things should I look for in a credit card offer? I recently received an offer from Capital One with the following terms: no annual fee, 0%APR for 6 months (12.9% thereafter) and at least $1,000 in credit. It also states that automatic credit increases will be made to the account if you use the card within 90 days and make the first three minimum payments on time. It sounds sort of reasonable to me but I’ve also read a lot of negative things about Capital One. Should I just wait some more until I get better credit card offers from other banks? What are my options? Thanks.””
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I have a good job, and horrible credit from my younger years. I am much more responsible today. My car just died (Transmission) and I have found a decent used car for $3000, but I need to act fast. How can I get $3000 quickly?””
How do i find out where I can obtain my FREE credit score? I got burned about a year ago also.?
I had a bankruptcy over 7 years ago, which was filed approximately 2002 and was discharged approximately 3 years later. Will this affect my credit score, how do I get the bankrupcy off of these reports?””
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I am ready to hire a law firm to file my chapter 11 bankruptcy called PC Helpers”””” They seem legit and the price is reasonable. I found them online. Just seeing if anyone else out there has ever used them or heard of them. Just want to be safe. Not a good time to scammed for money I already do not have.””””””
“”Macroeconomics help, please!?””
Suppose that the reserve requirement is 10 percent and the balance sheet of the Peoples National Bank looks like the accompanying example. a.) what are the required reserves of the Peoples National Bank? Does the Bank have any excess reserves? ~ the required reserves = $5000 because $50,000( vault cash + deposit @ fed) /.10 (reserve requiremnt) = $5000. ~ Yes there is $45000 in excess reserve. b.) What is the maximum loan that the bank could extend? ~ Is the answer $45000? — because that’s what the excess reserve is? or $165000? — because there are loan assets + the excess reserve? c.) Indicate how the banks balance sheet would be altered if it extended this loan? d.) Suppose that the required reserves were 20 percent. If this were the case, would the bank be in a position to extend any additional loans? Assets__________________Liabilities Vault cash $20,000________checking deposits $200,000 Deposits at Fed 30,000_____Net worth 15,000 Securities 45,000 Loans 120,000 If someone can please help me understand this question, i’d greatly appreciate it! I’m stressing myself out with this and i really need help! thanks!!””
Where can i get a FREE credit report?
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Can you find a credit card for people with bad or no credit?
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Is any body offering good (<5%) auto loans in pittsburgh / beaver area of pennsylvania?
also include lenders outside PA too
How much would you normally get pre-approved on for a home loan with good credit?
I only have one debt and it a car note at $319/mo with $9,947.43 remaining. If my husband is left off the loan i know they don’t look at his credit but do they still look at his debt (~$16,000)?””
I need a long term installment loan(not a payday loan) I have bad credit.?
Anyone know any legit bad credit lenders?
Should I join the military?
I’m a math major with about 2 years left for my BS. I have accrued some debt from student loans, and I don’t have the best job to pay them back. My friend suggested joining the military; he’s an army vet. I wouldn’t be opposed to leaving my family and friends, as I’m pretty much a loner anyways. I would like to utilize my intelligence, but I am also young, in good shape and a hard-worker. He recommends joining as an officer. Once I graduate I will probably get a job as a math teacher; however, I’ve thought about pursuing a career as an actuary or as an university professor. It’s already been 4 years since I’ve graduated and I’m tired of wasting my potential. I’ve gotten serious in my studies to raise my GPA, but the military seems very rewarding and like it would teach me a plethora of discipline. Any suggestions?””
Approved for a car loan?
With a credit score of 650, will I get approved for a $20,000 auto loan with 10% down. What do you think!!!!””
How to get private party auto loan?
I had an identity theft and my credit was shot. When I needed to get my first auto loan recently (I had always paid cash) I put a bunch down at a relatively high rate. I’d like to get a more expensive car from a private party in about 15–18 months after I pay off my current auto loan (from a dealership) early. What type of FICO score do I need to get an auto loan to buy a car from an individual rather than a dealer? Does a perfect record on my current auto loan count, even if I don’t fix any of my other credit?””

Help with payday loans in missouri?
I was really stupid and in a really bad position financially so i took out some payday loans …the kind where you write a check until payday… It was one at first but then it was like robbing peter to pay paul… It has been 3 months i have been paying and it just seems like there is no end in sight until i have the money to pay them off …i just have to keep renewing them. I have no relatives with money to borrow and am working 2 jobs and i have cut out ALL extra spending just to make these payment! Im not even getting ahead on them! I am desperate! Seriously considering living in my car to be able to pay them off! So my question is: these being check loans: if i dont pay, can they send them to the prosecuting attorneys office for hot checks? Then i will have warrants? Or do they just take you to small claims court and get a judgement against you?””

How can I get a car when I can’t get a loan?
I have applied for loans alone and with a cosigner. My credit is perfect. I’m being discriminated against because I am only 21 and apparently perfect credit history doesn’t matter when it’s only 3 years of credit. 1. Is there a way for me to get a loan? 2. If I can’t get a loan, what is my next best option? I want a car that isn’t more than 5 years old cause I can’t afford to keep fixing cars that break down.””
Is giving out private loan then charging interest illegal? if so what is that called?
A old friend of mine gave me a loan then charged interest (almost 1000 $$ a month) isnt that illegal i borrowed 100000 for my bussiness can anyone help

Can 2 people each get their own mortgage to buy the same house if they are both living in it?
ok so 2 people live in a house they rent, the landlord gives an offer for us to buy it, but we want our own mortgages ect. can these 2 people each get there own seperate mortgage for the house and give the landlord both checks? and have 2 mortgages on the house? like i have 50% of the mortgage in my name and the other person has 50% of the mortgage in there name without doin a cosign together.. 2 seperate mortgages for the house?””

Are You Able To Do A Cash Advance With A Credit Card To Pay Off A Minor Loan?
Ok well even if it won’t be 0% interest, that will still save me money due to the fact that my insurance will go down a lot. And also, I do not plan to keep the bike for a long time. Was planning on selling it after summer for a better one. So if I do get in trouble and cannot make the payments, I will have the title in hand and can sell it and use that to pay off my credit card debt. Correct?””
Should I cancel my Student Credit Card ? Need Advice !?
Hi all, I have VISA student credit card that I had since my sophmore year in college which is 7 years ago. They started me out with $500 initially and now my credit line slowly increased over the years to $8500. I dont have a balance on it as i only charge my $35 monthly gym membership on it and pay off when bill comes. I have another Credit card which is another VISA but it is a platinum with $20,000 credit line with $800 a balance. I only have 2 credit cards and they both are VISA, Im thinking about applying for a Master Card and cancel my VISA Student credit card. Will canceling the student credit card hurt me or not canceling it will help my credit as I ahve had this card for 7 years and NEVER once late payment. My credit score is 776 and I’m just trying to do my best to keep it in good shape. Please let me know if I should keep the Student Credit Card or Cancel Iit. Thanks for all your advice in advance. PS: i heard it is good to have a Visa and a MasterCard for your credit?””
“ vs

I have the exact same information on these two sites for my credit report, and i am having two different sets of numbers for credit scores. Like my experian is 625 w/ and with fcr. its 654. I mean thats a big difference. and when i went to the bank to get a loan just last week it was 636. and they pulled my experian report. Why such the big difference. Which is the one to rely on?

Is there anywhere I can look to find a fast grant or loan for around $ 1700.00 to purchase a car.?
I have a car right now, but at the moment it has become a headache and is giving me every problem in the book. I don’t have good credit but I was looking for a way to find out if I can get a grant or a loan to purchase a more reliable vehicle without dealing with auto dealerships…………HELP!””
Applying For A Small Auto Loan. Whatcha Think And What Advice Would You Give?
Hey, I am 19 years old, have had a credit card for over a year and always made my payments on time and my credit score (Experian & FICO) is around 735 when I last checked a couple months ago and since then, I have paid off my bill on time as well. Anyway, I have a car and am looking at keeping it but I would like to purchase a street bike (motorcycle) here soon. I was talking to my friend and he is selling his but it’s a first come first serve basis according to him. He is selling it for cheap to buy a older model Corvette and I was thinking of taking it over. The amount I am looking for is not $10,000 plus. It is more around $3500. That would be great but I would even accept as lil’ as $2500. Would like to get in between those two atleast. But definitely nothing more than $4000. Where do you think I should go? I have…. acutally…. had Washington Mutual haha. But my friend was thinking to go to a credit union or whatnot. My friend also took out loans when he had rarely any credit history for $9K and it worked out fine. I would like this and any advice you could give me or the amount I should ask and apply for and all, that’ll be appreciated. Thanks. I also live in Arizona if that makes any difference. Oh, and my driving record is clean, I go to school full time, and have a decent part time job making enough money to pay off monthly payments for sure and I am applying @ other places for full time as well. I would just like to get this bike before anyone else gets a chance to snab it. What all goes down? Thanks again!””
How can i get a guaranteed loan?
i am a college student starting school in less than one month, my car’s transmission went out and i am pretty much on my own. just a small loan will do. can anyone help?””
Can i check my credit score with out having a credit card?



“”How much would a $600,000 loan be per month on average?
30 year mortgage
What is a safe site to get the free credit report?
I heard alot of those sites are scams just need the right one only.
Auto loans suck what to do?
With insurance my car is half my monthly paycheck I’m 19 so I don’t make that much, I’m trying to get an account with navy fed but they won’t touch me right now because of my low credit score. How long do I have to pay on my loan until I can refinance? Or can I get a cheaper car life sucks :( I feel trapped””

Are there any legit Medical Transcription Jobs Available?
I am a very dedicated, hardworker. I am looking for a full time, part time, or any time Medical Transcription job. I will transcribe outside of the medical field also. I graduated at the top of my class at Tennessee Career College years ago for Medical Transcription. I love doing medical transcribing and have a year of experience doing it on my own. The problem is everyone wants many more years experience. There is also the worry of getting ripped off or waiting forever to get paid. I am the kind of person that makes things happen. I can only work from home right now and have taught myself eBay and achieved Top Rated Seller. I need to have a job knowing exactly what I am bringing home each week and eBay is up and down with what I am working with. I love Medical Transcription and would like to dedicate myself to a good job doing this like I have to eBay. My goal is to make money and have a long successful career doing what I love. If anyone has this position open please get ahold of me through yahoo answers or Please don’t respond if you are scammer I need to make money not lose it.””
Is my credit score good enough to get a decent house loan with out getting killed in the interest?
My goal is to buy my house by march 2010. I checked my credit score on here’s the results: experian: 647 equifax: 654 trans union: 673 I only have 1 item in collects for $97.00 from 2003. Should I just pay this off or let it drop off? my score goes up every month but very slow. how can i improve this? I only have 3 major credits cards that aren’t paid off, but there’s more credit available then owed. I am a college student and am getting financial aide loans, but those don’t have to be paid back until i graduate, which should be in about 2 years.””
Is it legal for auto loan companies to contact neighbors?
My bank with my auto loan is really pissing me off. I was late on a payment like 20 days and they contacted my neighbor. No idea how they got her information, but then she came over and asked if I knew who so an so”””” company was because they called her and asked if I parked my car near by and they told her that I was late on my account. Is that even legal? It was 20 days late for god sake. These people are really rude on the phone and have all kinds of threats like a loan shark almost. Is there someone I can report them to besides the better business bureau?””””””
“”Can anyone tell me of a reputable loan company for people with bad credit, having hard time finding one?””
i thought i found one and was almost scammed. i need an honest to goodness loan company that would be willing to work with me, and doesnt need callateral. thanks””
Whats the difference between Modular and Manufactured When your talking homes?
In applying for a home loan Iam told that manufactured homes are often not common loan options but Modular is, how do you know the diffrence? and what is this metal plate suppose to on these homes ,, what am I looking for when looking for this plate””

Thin credit report….what does it mean.?
i just went to a credit report site and they said that i have thin credit report”””” what does this mean? is it like having a bad credit score ? i’m looking to get a car from a dealership who supposedly takes care of people with both good and bad credit. i just want to know where “”””thin credit”””” stands in that.””””””
How about taking Housing loan from LIC Housing Finance?
Can anyone suggest taking Housing Loan from LIC Housing Finance.I am taking a loan of Rs. 23 lacs on 11.25 floating rate of interest. Would I need to go for fixed or floating income rate? Can any body suggest how is it? would you recomend anybody to LIC Housing Finance? if yes-why? & if no — why? Any body has any experience with LIC Housing Finance — please share this would be a great help for me.
Do Loan Sharks Still Exist?
I am not talking about PayDay Loans or Online Lenders (SCAM), I am talking about actual Loan Sharks. If they do exist, how do you go about finding them? I need help now & am willing/able to pay the interest they will charge. Please, do not reply to this question if all you have to say is something negative. I understand the risk. I would appreciate the help. Thanks, Timbo””
Can I get FHA loan if house does not have appliances?
I would like to get a FHA loan on a house without appliances, does the home need appliances for a FHA loan?””
Can i add payday loans in my bankruptcy?


My fiance & I are non-working law students and want to purchase a home/condo. Who might lend us the money?
We both have excellent credit and would use student loans to pay our mortgage.
Payday loan lenders for people on benefits?
Hi I need a small payday loan-I am on dla and incapacity-does anyone know any payday lenders that accept people on benefits/ I can’t find any. thanks
How many months will a bank typically loan on a 2003 and/or a 2004 auto loan?
The loan will be between $5,000 and $9,000 … And it will be on a Dodge Ram.””
“ vs

I have the exact same information on these two sites for my credit report, and i am having two different sets of numbers for credit scores. Like my experian is 625 w/ and with fcr. its 654. I mean thats a big difference. and when i went to the bank to get a loan just last week it was 636. and they pulled my experian report. Why such the big difference. Which is the one to rely on?

Mortgage rates for a random person?
I have been getting calls the past few days asking if I have requested mortgage rates for a Susan Deporter, who I have no idea who this person is. I haven’t requested any mortgage rates from M&M mortgage but they know my name, phone number, and email address at the minimum. I know very little about mortgages since I haven’t bought a house yet and I was wondering if this could possibly be someone trying to get a mortgage with my information?””
Is Capital one a good credit card to start with?
I want a credit card for just emergencies and I have a good steady job. If capital one is not good what is a good credit card to start with?


Is there any way to get my credit report if im?
not 18 years of age yet?!! My social security card has been stolen or misplaced or lost. Im not sure where it is or if someone has it. I need to see my credit report in order to tell if someone has used my card to open an account or get into my account. Thanks.

Does filing bankruptcy stop a foreclosure?
An individual goes through a divorce and as a result ofthe debts iincured winds up filing bankruptcy. I’m not sure if it’s chapter 7 or 13. But if the bankruptcy is granted does that wipe out the mortgage on the home? I know that property settlement obligations can be discharged when you file bankruptcy but I don’t know if the mortgage on a home is a property settlement obligation.
How do you find out your credit score?
It would also be nice if it wasn’t an online trial that I have to remember to cancel in 7 days…

Is Second Chance Financial Group a legal loan company?

Are there any hotel websites that don’t charge your credit card right away?
Are there any hotel websites that don’t charge your credit card right away just to make a reservation? I know that and do you know of any that do not?
How do I dispute something on my credit report?
I just pulled up my credit report and found that there are many different items listed as delinquent. However, several of these are medical bills and should have been paid by my insurance. This is a problem I ran into constantly while living in Pennsylvania (I now reside in New York). The emergency room would bill me and then a separate bill would be generated to cover the services of the emergency room doctor who treated me. Evidently the billing department for the hospital would never update my insurance info for the billing department used for the doctors and I would be sent a separate bill for that. Another frequent problem I ran into was that my primary insurance would be billed but not my secondary. One of these is actually a bill for ambulance service! I know that all of this is covered by my insurance (I have medicare primary and medicaid as secondary) Obviously I will contact the collection agencies now in charge of these items as well as the original medical facilities but my question is how can I reverse the negative impact these have made on my credit report. I have pretty bad credit as it is (about 495) but I’m trying to do what I can now to improve it. I don’t feel I should be penalized because of someone else’s poor record keeping. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, does anyone know how resolving outstanding debt affects your credit score. In other words how quickly will my credit score improve or how many points can I expect to earn back as I begin to pay off these debts. I was told by someone that I should try not to settle as this will be noted on my report as well and does not look as good as paid in full””””. Someone else mentioned that many items are removed from your credit report after seven years. Is that seven years from the original bill date or seven years from the date it is paid off. All of this is very confusing and I’m not finding a lot of resources about it on the web. Again””
Need a payday loan? help please?
Hi I’m 18 and I need a loan of 700 dollars I was looking for a payday loan does anyone no a good legit site to get a fast loan straight to my bank
I want to borrow 300k to set up a partnership with a family member!?
I am setting up a private day nursery with my sister-in-law and have worked it out we need 300k in order to do so. We have about 6K each of savings. Is there any bank who would consider us?
I’m not angry at all. I just need help
How can i get my credit score if i do not have a credit card?
i want to know my credit score but do not currently have a credit card, and all the sites require one.””
“”First-time home buyer, where do I start using a VA loan and USAA?””
I want to buy a house in Las Vegas while I am in the military and while the prices are still extremely low. I’d like to go through USAA for the loan, but I am not sure if I should get a VA loan or not. The houses I’m looking at are $75K-$100K. I can put up to 10% down but 5% would be better. I don’t live in Las Vegas but I am planning on making a trip out to look at houses in a couple months. I am a first-time home buyer (if you don’t count the mortgage my mother made me sign when I was 18) and I don’t know where to start. USAA’s website is kinda of confusing when it comes to mortgages. I have heard that VA loans can be a headache; what benefits does it offer over a conventional mortgage? What other hidden costs are associated with buying a house and how much? Can you guys give me some info or words of advice? Thanks!””
“”Shared Secured Credit Cards…..Info on these, please???””
Many people have suggested to me that I get a Shared Secured Credit Card”””” to help build up my credit…I have heard lots of different versions of these cards””
Im broke and need money fast to pay bills help?
Im broke and need money fast to pay bills help

Should i file for bankruptcy?
a few months ago i was jobless and homeless and ended up in the hospital in a state that i was not a resident of and the hospital sent me to like a psych ward/rehab place and that place wouldnt release me because they had nowhere to release me to until they got a hold of my parents and my parents came and got me and i got two bills from the hospital and one bill from the other place and i have a job but i dont get many hours and there really arent many options for jobs where i live i made payment arrangements with the hospital for two bills and i can just barely make the payments each month and the other place didnt send a bill until just recently and its over $9,000 and they wont give me a payment arrangement that works for me they want almost $2,300 a month for 4 months which i cant do i make less then $300 a month right now since that payment arrangement doesnt work they want me to get a loan from a bank but i dont have a credit history and no one would cosign and i dont make enough money to afford another bill each month my mom says that i should just file for bankruptcy my parents dont have the money to loan me and refuse to cosign anything for me or really help me in any way i dont want to have to file for bankruptcy because i dont want bad credit to start my credit history and i was hoping to go to college in the next few years (which would require loans) im only 19 and i have a daughter whos 10 months (she lives with her dad — she was not with me when i was homeless and all of that) and i want to be able to set the best example for her as i can and ive already messed up so is bankruptcy the best option or does any one have any ideas on what i should do?””
When someone with a car loan dies?
If you have a car loan and it is half paid off (or even 3/4 paid off) and then you die what happens? I know the car still belongs to the bank but…Do they take back the car? Or do the relatives of the dead person get a chance to pay off the balance and keep the car? You can’t put a car in your will if you are not the owner. (If you still owe a balance on it.) Do the surviving family members always get a chance to pay off the car and keep it or will the bank always take back the car? Exactly how does this work?
New Texas Car Title — Should I sign the front page ?
Ok, this looks sounds complicated than it actually is. I bought a new car and paid cash (no lean/loan) I received the title from Texas DMV. There is signature line on the front page under my name, should I sign it now or sign it when I sell the car ? Searched online and couldn’t find anything specific to signing the front page. Is signing now a better option so that if someone steals my title they can’t sign their own signature under my name and get a payday loan or sell to someone on Craigslist ?””


“ vs

I have the exact same information on these two sites for my credit report, and i am having two different sets of numbers for credit scores. Like my experian is 625 w/ and with fcr. its 654. I mean thats a big difference. and when i went to the bank to get a loan just last week it was 636. and they pulled my experian report. Why such the big difference. Which is the one to rely on?

Can I just consolidate my credit card bills into one? Not a debt consolidation company..?
I would like to consolidate all of my credit card bills into ONE bill each month. I don’t want debt consolidation, I don’t want any stupid company that is going to take my money, I just want to be able to put all of my credit card bills into one big payment each month. Is there a company that isn’t going to take half of my payments each month to do this?””
Advice on getting outta bad credit?
@Mike but don’t credit card companies want you to have good credit first?
How Much Cheaper Are Loans And Mortgages For Bank Employees?
(Preferably Barclays Bank) — And I Was Wondering About The Bank Employees Car’s. Are They Company Cars Or Do They Just Get You A 10% Discount Or Something?
When would I be able file for bankruptcy again?
I filed for Chapter 7 in 2007, I think, but it was just myself that filed. I was wondering when I would be able file again if I were to file individually again? Would I be able to file again if my wife also filed for Chapter 7?””
How to dispute something on my credit report?

Where can i find a public record of bankruptcy filed?
I filed for bankruptcy 14 years ago. This is still showing up and i want to have it removed
How do i build my credit after bankruptcy?
i went bankrupt 31st august 2010 and was discharged on 11th april 2011.i’m wanting to start building my credit back can i do this?i asked my phone company if i could have a contract phone just to see.i was refused which i expected.what can i do?? please help

Scientific name of sheesham wood?
sheesham, Indian hard wood, is mainly used as furniture””

Question about credit?
So I’ve been told that when you have a credit card, the longer you wait to make a payment it will make your credit score better. Is that true? Because I have a Kohl’s charge just to establish credit since I’m 18 and I like to make my payment right away so I don’t forget or get behind on it, but if I can get a higher credit score by waiting than I guess I’ll just wait. I just feel like it doesn’t make any sense for it to work that way.””
If I owed HSBC Bank (through H&R Block) will they take their money from my refund this year?
v b — Don’t be so presumptuous. I never said I wasn’t repaying them. That wasn’t the question. Stick to the question and don’t venture off on something you know not about. Also, I’m not applying for an RAL. As I said before, serious answers only. None of you are God nor my mother so I would leave all of the presumptuous criticism at the door.””
Advance America Cash Advance Loans?
My wife and I have one loan each through Advance America which is a Cash Advance Loan Office. I know these are horrible places to deal with, but we didn’t have a choice. A couple weeks ago we went in to borrow more money and they said that they needed us to sign a new agreement saying that if we don’t pay that our cars could be taken away. The things is, is that our cars are not paid for. Capital One still has the title on mine and Toyota has my wife’s title until they are both paid for. What I want to know is, can they take away our car if we do not own them outright? How can something be taken away if you don’t own it? We did sign the contracts though because we needed the money.””
What is a good way to build credit if you have none?
I’m almost nineteen. I have been denied for multiple credit cards and the only place that’s accepted me is Kohls and Capital One. I have always paid my bill on time, never once late, and never the minnimum which is 7 dollars. I always pay $30+. I’ve had this card for 8 months and still no other company will accept me for a credit card. Why not and how can I build credit in another way?””
POLL: Do you like the new band for the Free Credit Report commercials?
I think the old band had better songs.
Where can I consolidate my Sallie Mae PRIVATE school loans?
My private student loans monthly payment is $604.00. There is no way I can afford that. I called Sallie Mae and they can’t reduce my payment or even help me. Jeez… So, I am looking for a good consolidation company where I can consolidate my private loans so I don’t have to deal with Sallie Mae. They are THE WORST!!!!””
I need a personal loan to pay off all my debt. I do not have great credit. Where can I go in minnesota???
Where can someone go to get a personal loan to pay off minimal debt and start over again with just the loan payment??
Fishy sounding Payday loan debt?
I had a online payday loan I took out in 04'. I made 3 or 4 payments b4 I lost my job and forgot all about it. Well, the company quickpayday loans went out of business and another company bought the account. I had that other company call me after over 6 yrs since I took out the loan. I had every intention of paying it but the 2 different reps at the company gave me 2 different info’s as to acct #, the name of the company they were with, 2 different amounts I supposidly owe, and the phone number comes up a man out of Atlanta GA. With Credit Card fraud and identity theft, I couldnt trust the misleading ifo they were providing. When I asked the one rep this morning for quickpayday loans’ contact info, prior to knowing they were no longer in business, she said they were no longer in business, her company bought out the business, and I was not wanting to pay it. I told her that if I didnt want to pay it, I wouldnt have made 3 or 4 payments before loosing me job, of whom I used my work email as contact info, I wouldnt have made 7–8 calls to them in the last 4 days to try to rectify this, that the only reason I am not giving my creditcard info over the phone is being they sound suspicious, identity theft, and I wanted written proof showing I owe this so I have it for my records to pay it. She started threatening me saying they will take me to court, and I was trying to get away with no paying them. I told her ma’m take me to court and I hope you have recorded every conversation I have had with your company and I will inform the judge that you all have diff stories, different info. That I have no problem paying a debt I owe but I want proof and you all have not called me, my # has been the same for 10yrs, mailed me any proof, and you come out of the woodworks and just expect me to give you creditcard info? Fine take me to court. She made it seem like they’re gonna throw me in jail!!!! I figure they cant take what I dont have so….I can only let them take me to court, and pay what I can If the judge tells me to….can you tell me what you think or what ?????””
How to put credit card purchase on wordpress site?
On each page I want to have a credit card payment set up, so somebody can make instant purchase, I don’t want them to have to log in to an account. please help””
I’m 18 and want a bank loan for a car?
I plan on visiting my local bank soon, i need to know what to ask what to look for and am i pulling out an auto loan or a person loan, and also what is the bank looking for when they lend me the money? (and i dont have a set car picked out yet im going to an area where my friend lives to pull out a loan) i want to get 3000$ if i can””
Free credit report dot com song?
i dont need the actor i want the artist and name of the song please!:)
“”On average, how long is an auto loan offer valid?””
Hello, without thinking I applied for an auto loan (through Drivetime) and was approved. However I would not like to buy a car for about 5 months. How long is the offer valid for if my circumstances/income/credit doesn’t change? Will I need to reapply and if yes, will the fact that it’s a reapplication hurt my chances of being approved? Thanks.””
If i have an account thats in collections from when i was a minor does it affect my credit?
i was 16 and i went into collection with BBVa bank does it affect my credit?
Looking for consolidation loan. bad credit. steady work credit cards. several payday loans.?


“ vs

I have the exact same information on these two sites for my credit report, and i am having two different sets of numbers for credit scores. Like my experian is 625 w/ and with fcr. its 654. I mean thats a big difference. and when i went to the bank to get a loan just last week it was 636. and they pulled my experian report. Why such the big difference. Which is the one to rely on?

