Nov 4, 2023

Am i dead/Alive

I don't have a heart
It was turned into stone
I have to postpone now
I am sorry

I can't tell my story
Am I a beast
I was told I was sold our
Feeling like paper

Cause I have no emotiona
Am I always suspicious
Once had a heart of gold
Now I am a person with a cold heart

I feel like I'm dead
Am I dead?
Clive am I alive
Guess we will never know
if my life was a test
Bury me under the snow
Don't be slow

I don't want anybody to find me
My life was all in my mind
it felt like a race
I fell from grace
Just let me melt away like a snow man

@Poetry Flow-TeezaeTeezae.com


Hey guys am a poet and artist tryna change my home situation