Building a RESTful API with .NET Core and Entity Framework

Vinod Pal
3 min readMay 21, 2023


Photo by Fahim Muntashir on Unsplash

Building a robust and efficient RESTful API is a critical requirement for modern web applications. With the latest version of .NET Core and Entity Framework, developers have powerful tools at their disposal to create high-performing APIs with ease. In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step process of building a RESTful API using .NET Core and Entity Framework, leveraging their latest features and best practices.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Latest version of .NET Core SDK
  2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio)

Step 1: Set up a New .NET Core Web API Project

Start by creating a new .NET Core Web API project. Open your terminal or IDE and run the following command:

dotnet new webapi -n YourApiName

This command creates a new .NET Core Web API project with the specified name.

Step 2: Define Data Models and Entities

Next, define the data models and entities that your API will work with. These models represent the resources you will expose through your API. Create a new folder called “Models” and define your models as classes with properties that reflect the data structure.

Step 3: Set up Entity Framework Core

To work with data persistence, we will utilize Entity Framework Core. Install the required NuGet packages by running the following command in your project’s root folder:

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

This command installs the SQL Server database provider for Entity Framework Core.

Step 4: Create the Database Context

Create a new folder called “Data” and add a class called “YourDbContext” that inherits from “DbContext.” In this class, define the database connection and configure the data models as DbSet properties.

Step 5: Implement CRUD Operations

Implement the Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for your API. Create a new folder called “Controllers” and add controller classes for each resource. Use the [HttpGet], [HttpPost], [HttpPut], and [HttpDelete] attributes to decorate the controller methods and define their respective routes.

Inside the controller methods, interact with the database context to perform the desired CRUD operations using Entity Framework Core. Return appropriate HTTP responses and handle error cases.

Step 6: Test the API

To test the API, run the project by executing the following command in the project’s root folder:

dotnet run

This command starts the API and makes it accessible through the specified URL (usually http://localhost:5000).

Use tools like Postman or curl to send HTTP requests to the API endpoints and verify that the CRUD operations work as expected.

Step 7: Implement Additional Features

Enhance your API by implementing additional features like authentication and authorization, input validation, pagination, filtering, and sorting. Utilize the latest features and frameworks provided by .NET Core, such as ASP.NET Core Identity, JWT authentication, and Fluent Validation.


Building a RESTful API with .NET Core and Entity Framework provides a solid foundation for creating scalable and efficient web applications. With the latest version of .NET Core, you have access to a powerful and flexible framework, and Entity Framework simplifies data access and management. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a well-structured API that meets modern web development standards. Experiment with different features and expand your API to meet the specific requirements of your application.

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Vinod Pal

Just your friendly neighborhood full-stack developer. Building awesome applications, one line of code at a time.