100 Days Challenge

Vinay Kesarwani
3 min readFeb 13, 2019


100-days challenge is a promise that we make to our-self or to someone to complete a goal.

This is a very effective way of committing yourself for being into the game and giving 100 percent instead sitting outside and keeping it in your wish list.

Let’s understand what is a wish list? why do we create a wish list?

I will take an attempt to define what is a wish: Every living individual love to have wonderful thing in life and would like to live with best of best amenities available in this world. They feel all they dreamed about if that comes true, that will make them the happiest person on this planet. This creates a positive vibe and gives them a sense of satisfaction or achievement even if a fraction of the dream comes true.

We start chasing our dreams by listing them down one by one and keep adding up more as we grow in age or in community or to next position or influenced by new people or environment. Wishes would keep changing over time and end up with long unfulfilled wish list.

When we look back to your wish list; that may make you feel very incomplete, sad or frustrated and raise a doubt on your capability and competency if it is not exciting or fulfilled.

But question is why this happened to you? who is the culprit? Have you done enough to work on your wish-list or you had given less priority to your goals which could have made you a happier person and made you feel accomplished and energetic.

At a certain extend you should make yourself accountable for this disaster. Because end of the day this is your wish-list, you have created it, and you have not fulfilled it.

It’s never too late to start, you can do it. You need to retrospect how important are these wishes for you. You need to ask yourself genuinely why didn’t you fulfill your own wish? Why weren’t you faithful to your wish-list and taking any effort to complete it?

This is a very harsh reality and 99.99% individual face this issue in today’s world. There is no definite way to achieve this 100 percent but you don’t have to worry too much because there are few ways which will make you achieve your goal or wish as possible it can.

I present you a “100 Days” challenge.

This is a very simple challenge where you take one wish at a time and continuously work on this for 100 days. Based on your availability/capability you can assign some time of the day and mandatory spend x hours towards achieving the goal.

This is a very effective way of gathering related information, planning, reaching out to right person, and working towards to get all required things to reach your goal with velocity.

Many of my colleagues have taken this challenge and have wonderful results. They have a changed personality who have confidence to achieve anything in their life.

You can take this challenge in your personal or professional life and I am very sure you will feel the confidence in you and will be a new person who has command to get things done.

