Advanced Techniques for Vocal Resonance: An MTF Trans Voice Training Guide (Part 1)

Kylie Wayne
7 min readMar 15, 2024


Mastering vocal resonance is a key element in achieving a voice that feels authentic and aligns with your gender identity. This guide will delve into advanced techniques for those who have already mastered the basics and are looking for new ways to find their true mtf voice.

The Soft Palate: Your Voice’s Gatekeeper

The soft palate, the squishy part on the roof of mouth near the back, acts like a control switch for nasal resonance. By adjusting its position, you can influence how much air flows into your nasal cavity, shaping the overall tone and quality of your voice.

Refining Your Soft Palate for a More Feminine Resonance:

  • Minimizing Nasality for Clarity: In most speech and singing, a lifted soft palate creates a clearer, more focused tone, generally considered more feminine-sounding. The yawn-sigh exercise mentioned below is a great way to practice this lifted position.
  • Strategic Nasality for Character: While minimizing nasality is often the goal, some transfeminine voices strategically use nasality for warmth or character. Experiment with lightly raising the soft palate for most sounds, but allowing a touch more nasality on vowels like “ee” or “i” to add richness.

Tutorial: Soft Palate Control for a Feminine Voice

  1. The Importance of the Lifted Soft Palate

As you know, a lifted soft palate is crucial for minimizing unwanted nasality and achieving a clearer, more focused resonance — often associated with a more feminine voice. The Breath Sigh is a deceptively simple but powerful tool for mtf voice training that lifted position.

MTF Voice Training & How to do the Breath Sigh

  1. Deep Inhale: Breathe in deeply through your nose, feeling your belly expand as your diaphragm fills with air. Imagine inflating a balloon inside your abdomen.
  2. Maintain the Lift: As you inhale, focus on gently lifting your soft palate at the back of your roof of your mouth. You shouldn’t feel any strain, just a subtle lifting sensation.
  3. Silent Sigh: Now, slowly exhale through your mouth, but don’t let any air escape through your nose. Imagine you’re fogging up a mirror with just a gentle puff of breath. You might feel a slight resistance at the back of your throat as the soft palate remains lifted.
  4. Sustain the Lift: Maintain the lifted soft palate position throughout the entire exhale. Aim for a slow, continuous sigh, not a short puff of air.
  5. Relaxation: Once you’ve completely exhaled, allow your diaphragm to relax naturally and your soft palate to gently return to its resting position.

MTF Voice Training & How the Breath Sigh Works

  • Subtle Engagement: While the “Yawn-Sigh” encourages a dramatic lift of the soft palate, the Breath Sigh focuses on a gentle, sustained lift. Think of the soft palate subtly stretching and tensing like a soft sail catching a gentle breeze.
  • Diaphragmatic Connection: The emphasis on a full, deep inhale engages your diaphragm, the primary breathing muscle. Relaxing your diaphragm during the exhale helps maintain the subtle tension in the soft palate.
  • Airflow Control: The key element for this exercise is exhaling with a silent, gentle sigh without letting air escape through your nose. You might feel a slight air resistance at the back of your throat as the soft palate remains engaged.

Experience the Vocal Shift:

  • The Before and After: Before starting the Breath Sigh, gently hum while making a hard “ah” sound. Notice the nasal resonance. Then, perform several Breath Sigh repetitions. Immediately after the last one, hum again on the same pitch. Do you feel a difference in resonance? It should be slightly less nasal, potentially feeling brighter.
  • Visualization Tip: Imagine a tiny balloon gently pressing against the underside of your soft palate. As you do the Breath Sigh, feel that balloon subtly lifting and staying slightly inflated throughout the exhale.

Why This Matters for MTF Resonance Control:

  • Isolating the Soft Palate: This exercise helps you isolate and refine your soft palate control independent of vocalizing. This makes it easier to integrate into speech and singing.
  • Muscle Memory: Regular practice of the Breath Sigh develops muscle memory in the soft palate. This allows you to instinctively access that lifted position even during complex vocal tasks.
  • Beyond Technique: The focus and gentle airflow control required by the Breath Sigh encourage a sense of relaxation and mindfulness, which can indirectly improve vocal quality.

Applications for Your Voice Journey:

  • Warm-Up Essential: Incorporate the Breath Sigh into your vocal warm-up routine to prepare your soft palate for optimal control.
  • Refocusing Tool: Use the Breath Sigh throughout your vocal practice sessions. If you feel unwanted nasality creeping in, take a moment and reset with the Breath Sigh.
  • Embodied Awareness: Pay attention to how the Breath Sigh creates a physical sensation in the back of your throat. Aim to replicate that feeling during sustained speaking practice, working towards a naturally lifted soft palate position.

2. “Meem- Mah” Dance: A Deep Dive into Soft Palate Control

The “Meem-Mah” dance is a fantastic exercise for honing your soft palate control and exploring its influence on resonance. Here’s a breakdown to help you get the most out of it:

Understanding the Voice Training Mechanics:

  • The Soft Palate in Action: Imagine the soft palate as a flexible hammock at the back of the roof of your mouth. When lifted, it blocks the passage to your nasal cavity, minimizing nasality and creating a brighter, more focused resonance (the “mmm” sound).
  • Lowering the Soft Palate: As you transition to the “mah” sound, the soft palate relaxes and lowers slightly. This allows some airflow to enter your nasal cavity, creating a warmer, more resonant sound with a touch of nasality.

Practicing the “Meem- Mah”:

  • Facial Vibrations: With lips closed on the “mmm,” focus on feeling the vibrations primarily in your face and upper front teeth. This indicates minimal nasal resonance and a lifted soft palate.
  • Engaging the Nasal Cavity: When you switch to “mah,” notice a subtle shift in vibration. You might feel a slight buzzing sensation in the bridge of your nose, indicating some airflow entering the nasal cavity. This is due to the lowered soft palate position.

The Art of Transitioning:

  • Smooth is Key: The beauty of this exercise lies in the smooth transitions between “mmm” and “mah.” Practice slurring between the sounds, focusing on a gradual lowering of the soft palate rather than an abrupt drop.
  • Finding Your Balance: Experiment with the degree of nasality on the “mah” sound. Too little, and it might sound thin. Too much, and it becomes overly nasal. The ideal spot lies in a pleasant warmth with a hint of richness.

Beyond the Advanced MTF Technique

  • Listen to the Masters: Listen closely to singers or speakers whose voices you admire. Notice how they use subtle shifts in nasal resonance for emphasis or emotional expression. Can you identify moments where they utilize a brighter “mmm” sound versus a warmer “mah” sound?
  • Mimicry as a Tool: Try mimicking short phrases or sentences from those recordings, focusing on replicating their use of nasal resonance. This can help you internalize the feeling and control over your soft palate.

The “Meem-Mah” Dance: A Stepping Stone

Mastering the “Meem-Mah” dance is a stepping stone to unlocking a wider range of vocal expression. With practice, you’ll gain:

  • Enhanced Soft Palate Control: You’ll develop a refined awareness of your soft palate’s subtle movements, allowing you to precisely control the amount of nasality in your voice.
  • Nuance in Resonance: You’ll learn to manipulate resonance for expressive purposes, adding warmth, brightness, or character to your voice depending on the context.
  • Confidence in Exploration: This exercise builds a foundation for exploring other techniques that rely on soft palate control, like strategic nasality for certain vowels or twang for a brighter edge.

3. Sentence Practice: “She sees me” and “fan” provide a useful contrast in vowel sounds. The long “ee” sounds in “she” and “sees” tend to feel naturally brighter and more focused, while the short “ah” in “fan” has the potential for more warmth and a slightly more nasal quality.

  • Practicing with Intention: As you speak the sentence, focus on:
  • Lifted Soft Palate: Maintain that lifted position for most sounds, especially the “ee” sounds, to minimize excessive nasality and create clarity. The “Yawn-Sigh” exercise can help you maintain this control.
  • Strategic Nasality: Experiment with gently lowering the soft palate slightly when you reach the word “fan.” This subtle adjustment should allow a touch of warmth and a bit more nasality, but avoid letting it become overly nasal.
  • Transitions: Practice moving smoothly between the “me” (lifted palate) at the end and the “fan” (slightly lowered palate) at the beginning of the next sentence. This develops your control over the soft palate for nuanced expression.

The Benefit: Why This Matters For MTF Voice Training

This seemingly simple exercise teaches you several important lessons:

  • Fine-Tuning Control: You develop precise control over your soft palate position, allowing for subtle shifts in resonance within a single sentence.
  • Nuance Within Sound: You learn that even within the categories of “feminine” or “masculine” resonance, there’s room for a spectrum of warmth, brightness, and expressiveness.
  • Self-Awareness: You become more attuned to how your voice instinctively responds to different vowel sounds, building a foundation of self-awareness for future practice.

Ready to elevate your voice? Master advanced resonance techniques for a truly authentic and expressive feminine/ masculine voice. Book a session using the link below and embark on your personalized voice training journey today!

