Celebrating the Voice from South Africa: Jessica Jane Shackleton’s Poetry as Part of the Women’s Poetry eBook Global Anthology

Jessica Jane is VOWW’s Youth Ambassador in South Africa: “Well i was born in the bush and live in the heart of the zulu kingdom, they call ‘one of the more recent cultures that was matriarchal’.

“The women are proud and strong, topless and dripping in bright beads is their traditional dress , their western version is also very bright.
their dances are about lifting the legs above the head, very dramatic and powerful dancers, nothing subtle about their womanliness
nothing shy about being human and big in the boobs, and celebrating it …

“To ignore or not to ignore” by Jessica Jane Shackleton from South Africa (Copyright 7/2018)

Well I don’t know how much Buddhism you had for breakfast
the deep end of the Dream state is that. You are sleeping
In the mind of god,
And all this madness and beauty is in fact only yours
What you focus on grows
And now that I have seen. So much
I feel to not see it at all
Only To. Give Alternate realities a chance to be focused on
So angels my mind is exiting the dark war grounds
I’d like to go ahead and illuminate our more crazy beautiful dreams
Where women keep a role in the warm creative village centres
Where love is abounding
everyone has been misrepresented
To the point I’d like to think humans stop Giving. Their leadership to psychopaths
It makes us all look like conquering assholes
Which very few people are.
So that aside
Back to dreamsttates. To let. Love in
Is to imagine it is in
Sometimes. Traversing from a very hard place to a very lovely place
Can be. Somewhat challenging
If my mind is rotten with stress
Then I seek remedy.
Its ok, i have tried my best
Even became a quiet person
It is a world that will not be shaken
It is glued to storys silly ones
But still beautiful .
If there has been to much pain for too long
Just remember somewhere there is none
That is where I am
Whole new meditation

“South African Farm Murders & Psychological Warfare, by Jessica Jane Shackleton, VOWW’s Representative in South Africa

To respect the source by Jessica Jane Shackleton (Copyright 8/10/2018)

Is to. Respect the origin of inventions
If you don’t like it. White people
Dear Africa. Then Get out of your warm western cloths
And go back to the equator where it’s hot enough to walk in loincloths
Get out of your motor cars and walk everywhere
Get out of your permanent house structures
And. Build a house of mud
That is fine with me
But don’t. Tell me. Dressed in Italian shirts and dutch cars
With mouths full of. Celtic. Cheese and bread
That nothing was. Given or. Shared with you
If. Working. For something is. Too hard then be happy with nothing
If you abuse the land the land has a right to destroy you
If you pollute the water , the water has more rights than you
The water nourishes everything and everything has a chance
Life is equal and it goes on unharmed
Nature has no mercy , this is the irony of perfection
what is disrespectful you will die for it
Dont. Mess with the inventors of musical instruments
And microphones and radios and light bulbs
These are my ancestors and they shared interesting things with you
Don’t use your. Nifty cell phones to incite. War
If it is not clear that you are on.
A path of evolution and nothing stays the same
Those who Bring New things to your world
Demand. Respect
If you rape and rob
You are worse than a tick squashed on a rock
I have no shame
And have no god
If you adopt the pleasures and luxuries of advanced cultures
Please advance your manners and adjust your mindset
There is much more to come

And. You will be left behind again and again
And not many chances come by after you have disrespected the source
There is no room on this planet For spoiled. Brats and thieves .
To take what is not given. Is crime and crime goes punished
This Is Both human comedy and a warning to the races of earth
Your low ethics remove the next generation from earth
Don’t ask for mercy , if you are a backstabbing piece of shit
My Rage alone will get you
My white ancestors brought the wheel to Africa
And all you do Is. burn people in it polluting the Air and making childish demands for more and more and more
Like ungrateful crocodiles ,
Every culture. Will be punished for being uncreative ,lazy and boring me with
Religious nonsense

Patriarchy and bullshit. Are toxic. Convenience stores on the edges of your soul
That will not stand the test of time
May time pass and destroy all this ugly existence
This earth and all that is on it is a masterpiece
And I will not let it rot
All races have to face consumerism .meaning
You never waste and you never use more than you need
You will farm. Organically
Because. Nature protects the mother not the child
The source is the continuum and
If you were wondering where justice is
It is everywhere
Are you a creator or not ?

This is a monolog based on the ongoing bullshit of
Ungrateful people who. Took the gifts of civilisation
But did not comprehend the responsibility of being civilised
That means you do not shit in the rivers
That means you enhance nature and tidy up after yourselves
That means you do not let crazy people. Hurt children or. Women
That means . You keep a close eye on the pure production of food
Preferably grow. Your own fucking food , why should someone else do it for you
That means women will be leading the world. From here onwards
Because this will not. Be destroyed
And you will respect the source
Otherwise you and all your bullshit will be erased from existence
That’s all
Life goes on.

Poet/Self-Painter Jessica Jane Shackleton



Vinanti Sarkar ... VoicesofWomenWorldwide

Creator of VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE & VOW-TV Inc. uniting "strong voices" for and of the "voiceless" women and young girls world since March 2011