Unveiling the Poet Writer’s Path: Portrait of Sushmita Mukherjee

Poets must be good writers … communicate effectively to a wide audience … have a “poetic voice,” understand style and structure.

Poet and writer extraordinaire Sushmita Mukherjee — A Family Photo

For over a decade, I have networked and befriended Sushmita Mukherjee from Kolkata, India, as she visited and joined the Voices of Women Worldwide website. To date, we have never met in person but consider ourselves “good friends.” We’ve shared our hobbies, and she explained: “Listening to music and reading cannot be called hobbies as they transcend that… and writing has become my chosen career path.”

Some of her favorite books include “Conversations with God,” “Code Name God,” “The Noetic Universe,” “Friendship with God,” “The Mother of Invention,” and “Communion with God.”

I asked her in a website chat what she found most exciting about the Internet. She replied: “The main essence of the Internet is connectivity… manifesting yet again the connectedness of consciousness.”

Before entering the writing arena, Sushmita graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemistry and specialized in a thesis on Organic Chemistry. She taught the subject at Lady Brabourne College in Kolkata for nearly eight and a half years before resigning in August 2012. She felt her life had diverged significantly from the path initially set by her education.

For Sushmita, “a merger of Chemistry, Life, Philosophy, and Psychology formed the crux of one journey, while another fusion of Science with Metaphysics and Philosophy has the potential to be of immense help to all, irrespective of their fields.”

She reflected on her career shift: “I envisioned the transition from teaching Organic Chemistry, which I still do, to writing to my heart and soul’s content… the content that truly comes from my Truth. I know now — I am a writer.”

Writing has always been her passion, which she realized and embraced as more than a mere interest — it became a calling. “I wish that my words heal and help others realize, accept, and honor their creativity. Words are not simply words; their worth cannot be measured. Their power is to be felt and experienced, as they can change lives… for the better, as all changes are.”

“The writer in me chooses to extend healing through words, which they do because the words are not mine — they are directly from The Source Within. What I receive, I choose to share with all. What has benefited me, I hope, benefits all… the realizations.”

Sushmita also discussed her feelings about being part of the change happening worldwide: “By Being Who I Am… realizing the blessings of the Almighty… and thus my truth. Change cannot be brought, if not by truth. So the ‘changers’ must ‘be’ the change by being their truths… having accepted it and chosen to honor it.”

She continued, “My books, though innovative, are yet to find a publisher willing to publish them. They were written with the intent of removing the cobwebs of confusion. Books have to be published … only then is their purpose served. Life’s ways are to be accessed by the fusion of disciplines — by their oneness, as the essence of life in itself is oneness.”

Sushmita Mukherjee’s journey embodies the seamless blending of her scientific background with a deeper philosophical and metaphysical exploration, as she writes with the hope that her words will heal and inspire others to honor their own creativity.

“Synergy and Energy”
by Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata, INDIA

Emotion is Energy in Motion,
Creation is Synergy in Motion,
Poetry is Words in Motion,
Flowing yet not causing Commotion.
Let there be no Confusion
As we are created, so we are here for Creation.
Creation-conscious is set into Motion,
Through inspiring and thus Promotion
Of creativity in Incubation,
In each being, we call humans.
And All is Energy in Motion,
As Life, energy is constant Motion.
Hence, synergy in emotion,
Is the mechanism profound of Co-creation?

“The Chapter”
by Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata, INDIA

Past is past,
As has passed.
Nothing can be done about it,
But everything in what follows it,
The present…
Which is indeed a “present,”
But realized only when lived in the present.
Let the past be a chapter,
That only teaches you not to falter.
Nothing less, nothing more,
Otherwise, it would bore,
Through your present,
Making you resent and lament,
“Only if had I not been sent!”.

On December 13, 2011, Sushmita Mukherjee wrote a blog expressing her feelings nine months after joining the Voices of Women Worldwide & VOW-TV website:

“Well, as I entered this internet world of Voices of Women Worldwide and ‘saw’ what I did, the word that came to mind was ‘WOW’. I was immediately struck with inspiration — a direct reference to the word ‘VOW’, used as an acronym for ‘Voices of Women Worldwide’.”

“In all probability, it has the essence of the literal sense of taking ‘a VOW,’ where you get the true flavor. After all, it endeavors to lend ‘Voice to the Voiceless’ women, young girls, children, and men concerned about the health and welfare of women. In all, acting as the voice for the voiceless (VOV) human beings.”

“The voiceless get voices through words, (digital print and video) apparently not their own … yet their very own … as we are all connected … at the base level … the level of our truths, having originated from The Same Source …”

“That we are essentially connected has been further emphasized by our being electronically connected. To me, VOW doesn’t stand for ‘Very Ordinary Word,’ but an extraordinary one, as it implies taking a pledge towards a cause and sharing all our members’ causes.”

“It is these causes that ‘VOW’ has taken a VOW to extend and transcend beyond boundaries in a world that is physically wide, but even that physical width has been rendered metaphorical in today’s world.”

“Thus, here I am with VOW, with immense gratefulness, and the word that still reverberates within is WOW!”

Even after gaining freedom, Sushmita witnessed much human suffering, outrageous injustices, and racial discrimination, with women often bearing the brunt of these injustices. To understand this suffering better, she studied Feminist Philosophy during her Master’s degree in Gender Studies. Her next step was to establish a Non-Government Organization (NGO) — the “Association for Intercultural Dialogue” — to take action against severe forms of discrimination.

A writer and freelance editor, Sushmita explains, “My vision shifted from teaching Organic Chemistry, which I still do, to writing to my heart and soul’s content, as the content comes from my Truth. I know now — I am a writer, and the writer in me chooses to extend healing through words. These words are not mine; they are directly from The Source Within. What I receive, I choose to share with all. What has benefited me, I wish — may it benefit others. I have discovered my truth through the blessings of the Almighty, and change cannot be brought forth if not by truth. So the ‘changemakers’ must ‘be’ the change by representing their truth, having accepted it and chosen to honor it.”

“My books, innovative as they are, have yet to find a publisher willing to publish them. They were written with the intent of merging Chemistry, Life, Philosophy, and Psychology into one, while another merges Science with Metaphysics and Philosophy. I feel this has the potential to be of immense help to all, irrespective of their chosen fields. And apart from that, there are other projects in the pipeline and in the pages of my diary. But the books need to be published; only then will their purpose be served — removing the cobwebs of confusion. Life’s ways are to be accessed by fusion of disciplines — by their oneness, as the essence of life is oneness.”

“I wish that my words heal and help others realize, accept, and honor their own creativity. Because words are not simply words; their worth cannot be measured. Their power is to be felt and experienced, as they have the capacity to change lives — and for the better, as all changes are.”

Writing has always been her passion, and in due course, it has been realized and embraced as more than a passion — it is a calling. She has edited fifteen books and one movie script, further cementing her role as a guide through words.

Sushmita Mukherjee’s journey reflects the profound impact of her writing, driven by her desire to heal and inspire, extending far beyond her initial career in Organic Chemistry to a life dedicated to words and their transformative power.

“The Vent”
by Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata, INDIA

Give vent to your thoughts,
Give vent to your feelings.
Anything you do, but do not prevent.
They when prevented,
Suppress you,
Oppress you,
And depress you,
As you are then hard-pressed for life.
Yet when vented,
You are found to create and invent,
In the run re-invent,

Your own Self.
Which always seeks to creatively vent,
That one should never be prevented.

“Own is Unknown … “
by Sushmita Mukherjee (April 10, 2012)

A seeker on the Path,
Embraces all Wrath.
The urge is to know the Unknown,
Which paradoxically, Is one’s very Own.
This is life’s Story,
Enabling the realization of life’s Glory.
We call it Evolution,
Which when en masse, causes Revolution.
Evolution maps how one has Grown,
In recognizing the Self that is truly one’s Own.
And how one would Grow,
Is facilitated by the Vow,
One takes to fully know, The Soul,
That one is, as The purpose Sole.

“WE ARE … “
by Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata, INDIA
[Inspired by Dr. Naima Benali’s poem, “Why I Am…”!]

We are…
Where we are…
When we are…
As we are…
To share…
To care…
And to dare…
To be the change…
We choose to see on the world stage…
We heal ourselves and all…
Enabling all to stand tall…
As is heard within the clarion call…
We All Are One…

Writing has always been her passion, and in due course, it has been realised and embraced as more than passion: calling. She has edited fifteen books and one movie script as well.

Conclusion: Author’s Note: A few words regarding my first book … Why Happens, What Happens … It is Chemistry in Life’s Laboratory!

“With gratitude, joy and humility I share the news of a dream and wish-fulfillment. My first book has been published today by — Power Publishers — Portal. The other online portals too will subsequently have it. The link, from where it can be procured: http://www.power-publishers.com/power-publishers-new-release-happens-happens-chemistry-lifes-laboratory/

“The journey of and with this book began in 2006–2007…and today, it has been let loose, released for all. This book is for all. Contains no chemical equation! The book blurb conveys the crux of the book. Those who have kids, into chemistry, they too will hugely benefit…and those who aren’t in chemistry they too will enjoy.

It is a tribute to the subject, chemistry, that has been my window to life’s understanding. It is all about one’s chemistry with one’s own self and thus with life and all — in a way, it demystifies life and chemistry. Pray that its chemistry with all thrives, and its message spreads far and wide to miles immeasurable.

“An End Is A New Beginning…”
by Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata, INDIA

Life is Eternal, And not Temporal.
As the essence is not Physical, But Spiritual.
Thus what we call an End,
Is merely a Bend,
A route to a new Beginning,
That gives a new Meaning
To Why we Are, Where We Are
And gives us the Opportunity,
To Know Who We Are, and Be Who We Are.
Ends are all Means to Begin a New Beginning,
Which thus doesn’t End Anything,
But Begins Everything…as to Begin,
We need to Begin from a Point Which Marks the End,
Of that Which was Not Functioning.

Please feel free to share your reviews and comments freely, unedited! You all play significant and unique roles in this journey.



Vinanti Sarkar ... VoicesofWomenWorldwide

Creator of VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE & VOW-TV Inc. uniting "strong voices" for and of the "voiceless" women and young girls world since March 2011