Call Centre Trends That Boost Your Business Performance

Voigue Australia
2 min readJun 26, 2020


Photo by Negative Space from Pexels

Call Centre Trends That Boost Your Business Performance

No matter what industry your company operates in, it is not immune to competition. Therefore, having responsive and client-focused customer service is the key to stay ahead of the game.

Over time, all businesses face new challenges and the importance of being receptive to change becomes a critical element in the success of your overall business strategy.

To improve your business performance, customer experience and reduce the turnaround time you need to adopt the latest and most effective call centre trends.

In this article, we will look at trends that are popular among most businesses and Australian outsourcing companies in 2020.

Interactive voice response powered by AI

Interactive voice response has been the main source of income for call centres. Powered by the latest AI technology, this trend will continue in 2020 as well. Unlike traditional speech recognition software, AI-powered IVR can interpret regional accent as well as tones more accurately. Thus, speed up the process of assigning the often frustrated caller to a concerned department or agent.

Advanced self assistance tools

Self-service tools have proven effective in dealing with preliminary concerns. Several clients contact customer support with various queries and complaints on a daily basis and sometimes it becomes stressful for agents to attend to all customer inquiries on a timely basis which could result in bad customer service. Thus, advanced self-assistance tools can be your saviour when there are impatient customers waiting in the queue.

According to a report, most businesses and BPO companies in Australia will adopt self-assistance tools in 2020 to free-up their agents for performing resource-intensive tasks.

Cloud-based call centre service

It can be quite costly for each business to operate their own call centre.. Therefore, having a cloud platform is a reasonably affordable alternative that comes with advanced project management suites. Plus, it is user-friendly with so many advantages. Both call centres and other businesses are increasingly adopting cloud-based call centres that reduce the overhead and offer effective call-centre operations.

In any business, customer satisfaction is always one of their highest priorities. By following these call centre trends, you not only increase customer satisfaction but also improve the overall experience for your customers, which eventually help your business to grow.

If you’re searching for reliable call centre outsourcing services in Australia, feel free to contact our experts at Voigue. We, at Voigue, house a team of professionals who stay up to date with the latest customer service trends to provide our clients with services tailored to help them reach their highest level of customer experience and business performance.



Voigue Australia

Voigue is Outsourcing company Australia. We provide Business process outsourcing, IT solutions, Contact center services.