Simplest Deep Work Guide

Vojtech Rinik
1 min readAug 31, 2017


If you haven’t heard the expression, “Deep Work” is a term that comes from a book by Cal Newport. It just means staying focused for an extended period of time.

Here’s my guide to Deep Work:

  1. Remove Facebook/Instagram/Twitter from your phone. If you check your email obsessively, you have to remove that too. Don’t use your phone for any distractions! Not even in the bathroom… (Buy some magazines!)
  2. Remove web browser from your phone. Ask a friend to use Parental Controls to disable your Safari using a code they won’t tell you. That way you can’t access distractions using web browser, or go to random stupid websites like 9gag or r/funny.
  3. On your computer, disable Facebook/Instagram/Twitter using SelfControl. Block them for 24 hours at a time. So you only get to check these things once every day. After you’ve checked them, quickly block again!

Okay, now you have 24 hours without any distractions. If something new comes up (News websites, Hacker News, Product Hunt), just add it to your block list.

It might seem difficult at the beginning, but if you keep practicing it, you will slowly rewire your brain to not derive pleasure from small pieces of online information. It’s just a habit — same as snacking or cigarettes.

And if you still have a hard time, try Pomodoro technique with FocusList.

Update: We’re working on something new.

