How To Cancel Avianca Flight?

William Smith
2 min readSep 19, 2022

Are you seeking a way to cancel your reservation flight with Avianca airlines or get a full refund value? Paying hefty on your travel ticket is not affecting cancellations mode. Avianca airlines made all the significant cancellations mode to its passenger to easily access and cancel flights within a moment.

How To Cancel Avianca Flight Booking?

However, all the passengers allotted to cancel their reservations flight booking with Avianca airlines with a valid document and significant reasons. Well, a very unique way to cancel a flight is to visit the official site of Avianca airlines and tab on the cancellation form then fill out the request to cancel the flight. Follow the step to cancel your flight ticket by given below method.

Via Online Step -

  • Simply, visit
  • Then, login into your account by credentials.
  • Then tab the manage my reservations from the main menu.
  • Now enter the confirmation code or passenger’s personal details.
  • Then request to cancel the Avianca flight procedure from the home page.
  • When your flight is canceled through the official site then receive the confirmations code on your register mail.

Via Call -

Certain passengers prefer to cancel their reservation booking via call. Dial Avianca airline’s customer service number. Then enter the passenger’s details or confirmation number as per mention on the ticket.

Once you connected with the Avianca customer support team will ask you for certain valid documents for canceling a flight such as last name, confirmation code, cancellation reasons, and other things.

Cancellations of flights at airports -

Cancel your flight booking at airports is the quite easiest way of visiting the Avianca website directly. Follow the given below steps to help you in canceling your flight.

  • Visit the nearby airport of Avianca airlines.
  • Then talk to the available agent of the Avianca customer support team.
  • Fill in the details of canceling flight booking such as confirmation number, reason to cancel the flight, last name, middle name, booking id, etc.
  • When you filled out the cancellation form agent will ask you to verify the eligibility details, then move on to the payment mode.
  • The cancellations charge will be recalculated or deducted from the final ticket

Avianca cancellation fees -

Those passengers who have taken the non-refundable ticket must pay the charge of 80% of the ticket. The travel will get the refund value for the tax component of the ticket, the airline will cancel your flight ticket remaining charge of cancellations.

As you know that passengers can cancel their flight ticket risk-free and request for refund value.

Request to get a refund on Avianca airlines -

As per Avianca’s cancellation policy, passenger can cancel their flight booking risk-free within 24 hours. The airline provides its passengers with full refund value with no cancellation charges. You are not eligible for full refund value and would be charged a restocking fee such as cancellations time, and other aspects.

