Censorship in Stellar Blade gets worse. Now with Death Threats. Adam Tots’ Strawman

16 min readApr 24, 2024


UPDATE. Paul Tasi lies. and say that there was no censorship but now the outfits are announced to be added back in. Thank Goodness.

Censorship even by a little bit is still censorship. To say otherwise is a LIE.

When people say its not censorship, that’s a literal lie. Censorship can be done by any group or individual even the artist themselves.

“They focus too much on WHAT got censored, rather than accepting that its the principle of it thats wrong, not to mention the false advertising aspect of it” — a wise one

Censorship is wrong. Simple as, but saying that some how gets the self-righteous “anti-gamergate” gang riled up enough to throw out death threats to people.

People who don't like censorship should be killed with an axe? what the hell?

The dudes need therapy?

These people are not being people.

and they’re all like this.

And we have people sponsored and partnered with Ubisoft and Capcom antagonizing such people. Ubisoft censored Assasin’s Creed Valhalla and Capcom censored Street Fighter 5 and 6 because of “fan feedback”.

The berating is just awful.

And she’s never naked. Why is this creator attacking people?

That makes the censorship all the more illogical and anti consumer.

UPdate it gets worse. More benevolent sexism and hatred of breasts.

Despite the assurance from the developers that Stellar Blade would be uncensored. we now have censorship.

Shift up and Sony Interactive Entertainment lied.

And now the death threats come ON CUE.

The main character is never naked. There is nothing illegal or misogynist. We do not know why the game is now censored after release after many outlets and the developers themselves saying it would be UNcenosred world wide.
That turned out to be a lie.

A games blogger complained and insinuated racism and bigotry where there was none to be had.

And sadly as much as i’m not that bothered by the change, i have to be morally consistent and also against someone weaponizing offense to HARM a game.

Stellar blade has also gone through review bombing WAY before this because the same bloggers that complain about something like this are the same people that said that games and fiction affect real life.

This is not only insane but untrue.

Offensive words do not cause harm. Study to prove it.

This is unfortuante news because the person that complained was a blogger from Polygon.

their hot takes include picking Fights with Bayonetta 2 being awful (it’s not) and the Witcher 3 being awful. it’s not.

This is just one person abusing their influence and forcing a company to change. Sure it was funny but it was not intentional and not malicious. futhermore, the one complaining isn’t even black.

But in order to avoid a fake controversy, the game is now censored.

To change a pixel is wrong.

and as much as i am ok with the change i have to be consistent and If i say censorship is wrong. Then i have no moral choice than to be consistent. Especially with such bad faith actors trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.


And then we have these jerks.

And the same person that puts down such things says. the following:

and when called out, they make an excuse.

And then when someone was consistent. They short circuit.

I should have never prayed to God to make my enemies stupid. There’s no talking to people when they’re dishonest and just say “oh it’s just gooner coomer” whatever. It’s a gross misrepresentation. I don’t know why some one is just berating people just because of what they like or don’t like or being ok with censorship depending on what is censored.

And then there’s this asshole.

It’s harder to listen and engage. and the person up there still is focused on eve’s body. never mind that the person decrying censorship is consistently doing so.

The accusation of “coomer” is nothing. If it’s correct then censorship is still wrong. People are denying themselves the gratification of playing an entertainment product because of principles. If they were just sex hounds or whatever then they would mindlessly buy the game. If it was just just straight sexist men crying out… then I must not exist.

It’s no different than LGBT individuals being called groomers when they rightly opposed the DON’T SAY GAY bill. (Yes, I read it. It’s entirely fair to characterize that awful bill as DON’T SAY GAY.)

That bill lead to more censorship even of anime and manga. Moms For Liberty is a disgusting group that isn’t for Liberty.

Sadly, little pictures and memes are a fantastic way to make a strawman and have people stop thinking.

This artist, has man OTHER problematic scandals about him and how he insulted young artists and has a HISTORY of being a jerk for a decade. (At least he’s consistent) But that should not matter. Let’s put that aside.

First, they’re drawing the very thing they’re objecting to. Second they cover up a woman’s body. Something that was promised to be one thing is now another. Block out half the picture and we get an obvious form of censorship.

It’s removal. It’s covering up.

It’s no different from the EA Bioware censorship of Mass Effect.

At the risk of misunderstanding the concept of benevolent sexism. I’ll link it again. With time stamp. If you don’t have enough time to watch this video, then you don’t have enough time to form an opinion.

The second part and right half of the comic is the strawman. It assumes quite a lot and then childishly depicts a soft boner because of course. It CAN’T POSSIBLY be because people not liking censorship. The people saying they don’t want censorship MUST have a gross motive.


And then the homophobia.

In a lack of any awareness, Adam is painting a white, subtly MAGA person having an erection… This is as if to mock the people against censorship saying that they’re exclusively heterosexual and insecure with being called homosexual.

Sir, I am homosexual, and not everyone that is against censorship of stellar blade is a Trump lover or what ever you’re trying to signal in this strawman passion play of a display.

They’re not going to follow up with the censored version. Because that would defeat their argument. To cover up this would be seen as silly, and rightly so. Some people saw Eve and said COVER UP and it’s the same sort of nonsense.

I’m one of those people he’s trying to insult by saying “oh won’t you censor the manly version”?

BRUH. It was wrong here and it’s wrong now.

The orignal outfit was really cool. We don’t know why it changed.

we can also see the people in my “anti woke” sphere responding to the guy.

I remember, i was one of the people who cried out against the reduction of Snake and Samus’ bodies.



So yes, we want it all. we dont’ like the animus against heterosexuality. It was wrong to do to people like me and I have a bit of empathy to say it’s wrong the other way around.

The people that seem to be ok or say the censorship isn’t a big deal were the same people saying that the lack of censorship was HORRIBLE and even harmful.

IGN France had to release an apology for that.

The double standards and the associated mental gymnastics for justifications. ONE IS WEARING NOTHING AT ALL.

The above poster and this post was so wrong they got community noted.

Let’s look at those in favor of censorshiop.

This is unhinged. And i really can’t appreciate Jessica Cogswell saying that the anti censorship people are unhinged.

We aren’t the one panicking over polygons. It’s just principle.

We’re not the ones frantic over a femme fatale’s features and how she may be showing too much skin.

What GG wanted. was simple. it’s this. But people on twitter and publications chase clicks.

and now…

To quote Mark Kern.

“X has no room for subtle nuance, but let’s try:

The fight agains DEI and ESG and BRIDGE is a long term fight. A



post. “Everyone fights, nobody quits” is my motto. But when that plan meets reality it’s “everyone fights to the best of their ability.” Not everyone can risk being me, putting my real face out there, getting cancelled and death threats for the n-th time. There are millions of you out there who have to fight Anon. And guess what, we get that. That doesn’t make you a coward, that doesn’t mean you sold out and aren’t fighting as hard as you can. And you will make mistakes. And when you do, the important part is to hang together and support each other. The other side does, and this is a source of their strength. Shift Up is fighting to the best of their ability to give you what you want. They *choose* to make games that gamers want, against the tide of DEI/ESG that wants to make this type of game impossible to make. Against the tide of AAA that only wants bland, safe games for the masses. They made some bad marketing choices, and either shipped outfits they liked better, or were silently censored by Sony. In the end, that is less important than the overall win that we are getting here in this long term battle. They are fighting to the best of their ability, and they also make mistakes. Meanwhile companies like Games Workshop and Pokémon Go are actively fighting against you, by their own choice. Shift Up is not the same. They are an ally. But as I’ve said many times on my streams and interviews about Stellar Blade, this is a huge win in the battle against AAA dreck. But in any war you make mistakes and you take casualties. In fact, it’s impossible to win without taking big risks, enduring casualties and losing many battles. Stellar Blade is a fantastic game for its GAMEPLAY and it flies in the face of our DEI/ESG enemies for it’s outfits and outright sexuality. But those enemies are trying to channel your anger against the censorship mistakes in Stellar Blade to DISCREDIT and MOCK the true cause…the fight against wokeness. Don’t let them. Support Shift Up, band together, because they are an ally and have delivered a huge win in this long term fight. As for the mistakes, the marketing censorship flub, the best we can do is point it out and try to fix it. The petition is just that, acting as a consumer voice to try and fix a PR blunder. We don’t know what is stopping them. Creative vision being different than consumer expectation? Sony pulling the strings? The petition may fail too. But in the end we still get our win either way. A very very big win. Stop making enemies out of allies who make mistakes. Stop blackpilling when they don’t agree with your 100%. You are only letting our enemies win while they stick together no matter what. Time to adopt tactics from them…and stay strong, together. I have your back, through your anon and your mistakes. I ask you do the same for all our allies.”

Maybe most of you scoff at the idea but there’s something here.

The W word is stupid but there is a censorial force it’s been tightened over the past decade and the last time it happened was in the 80s and 90s with religious reasons and the 2000s with censor happy jerks like Jack Thompson.

Those were bad times, and we’re seeing it all repeat with more horrible abuse.

Not at all my idea of fun. But the fact remains. Censorship is wrong. it’s bad for business. The false accusations of sexism and racism are false. Still, those accusations have lead to a chaotic, disorderly, mess with nothing but double standards.

Where people like Jason Schreier complained about a female character in Dragons Crown.

This is the same person that COVERED UP and sat on accusations of sex abuse for a decade.

This isn’t working and hasn’t worked.

This is why people are not fans of “the woke” or what ever they call themselves. It’s Xenophobia and sexism and homophobia masquerading as tolerance and acceptance. I should know, i’m gay and i hate being used in this way for marketing and shareholder meetings.

It’s neither. I’d rather have the dirty jokes AND multiple genders. We’ve seen people go after studios that make “woke” games and how they’re not “woke enough”.

Sophia Narwitz, a games journalist that is trans reports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SELfsBIOp0

And also reports on GTA V censorship

And of course the really bad journalist sphere that makes it all possible.

I’m saying that not only is this anti-profit, anti art. it’s that it’s also abusive.

To be sensitive, as ideologically defined, requires that one never ever question or speak up against it. That to be “diverse” as ideologically defined is to have a single ideological hegemony that cannot be questioned or even criticized.

That’s how a narcicist works. That’s how the Christians used to be, (still are in many respects) and how consultants are today. Selling a lethal cure that has been poisonous for as long as it has been around.

There’s no objective measure to it. Angel Edurardo talks about this with Sensitivity readers and the Censorship with Roald Dhal.


We’ve seen this from the Hayes code back in the day and all of that is just a bad memory from bad times. This current censorship wave is similar, just as narcissistic, just as pandering to women and minorities and just as wrong.

In every way in every metric this insanity has had had companies fall down and lose money all the time. Be it political correctness or Religious bigotry. It’s a con.

The demands for this sensitivity is out of fear, not reason, and companies think they’re going to get disapproval, denouncement, or harassment if they don’t follow.

Well not listening to reason and the consumer has not worked out so far. So do the opposite. I hope to talk with all of you more on this and exactly just how dishonest the cries of sexism in games are.

The future of a delusion is ruin and it’s unwise to continue on that. We know it, you know it. these are radicals that have asked for sweeping change under the guise of good ideas just so they can control and have power. AND IT’S MAKING US MISSERABLE! So don’t do it. the strongest word you can say to such individuals is NO.

Start saying yes to free art and expression, the idea that words and symbols could cause harm is not founded in science. Sure, some things really upset me too but the censorship of fictional works and images and the covering up of bodies is anti-human. Its anti-art, it’s anti business.

Really successful franchises are being lost because of of all this. That’s a sin and a damage to the bottom line AND to the consumer.


this idea that “oh the disk is uncensored” isn’t going to cut it. The “social proof” of this censorship is possibly the most insidious that “if everyone is doing it, then it must be good”. But look how everything, even Hollywood is floundering?

This free money train isn’t going to last. Stock holders are going to notice and with DEI being unanimously voted down by the supreme court as an affront to civil rights, and ESG being in the crosshairs what side you you want to be on? The pro free speech side or the sinking ship?

Surely there’s ways to accommodate with options and toggles to make the most true version of a game available for people. I’m not going to begin to pretend i know the pressures a company faces but for companies as large as they are… and the people having been vocal against such insanity since the beginning… and how rational solutions are just better and easier to manage…

what are you waiting for?

Be free, be uncensored. Everyone can enjoy that.

look what kinds of people support the censorship. and ask yourself… do you really want that toxicity?
please write and call me. please?

It didn’t work when Jack Thompson was doing it and what you’re doing now hasn’t been working for the past decade. The last of us 2 and Baldur’s gate 3 are totally praised.. yet this gets different treatment? that’s how it looks. that’s how it IS.

Please? Let’s talk, I only know of one game that was illegal to own and that was The Guy Game. this is fiction so no harm can happen. And if a financial institution is pressuring you … there’s no way THAT could be legal. or sane.

Please write back.




A stupid disgusting plagiarizer that hopes that culture can be restored to be anti-censorship. And challenging social norms and agreed upon lies by inept NEWS