Robert Smigel’s warning and so many others warned us. Extremism of political correctness

8 min readJul 14, 2024


Robert Smigel was the creator of TV Funhouse, a comedy skit that appeared in between acts on Saturday Night Live. These acts and the like were taken out and so he was basically taken out and shot. His warning to how comedy has been restricted and free speech and the like have been damaged due to threats and entitlement from those who wish to control media have not only come true they have come true in a way that should make us feel all unsafe and is made us less free and more neurotic and so hung up on our differences that we will have less racial Harmony. There should be no accounting for taste. But unfortunately some taste is seen as absolutely abhorrent and should win anyone enjoy it they will be seen as human garbage. And this kind of fear and neurosis that is characterized by political correctness has now led to someone being shot.

And David Scott Jaffe, lead of the original God of War video game series said it was … staged.

The very man that swallows the Kool-Aid but didn't 20 years before.

Off of the good intentions of political correctness. People realize the political correctness was a more Insidious form of totalitarianism and when they pushed back that totalitarianism and canceling and harmed other people just kept going. And that’s why Saturday Night Live hasn’t been funny this is why humor and media have been absolutely choking us. Why the acolyte isn’t good why Doctor Who isn’t any good but people will still claim it’s good so they can feel like better people.

It’s rules for thee, none for me.

After all, the Nazis were just against decadence and the depravity of the music and the media of the time that were against sex and sexuality that had to make things clean and pure. And is exactly the same thing that we have with political correctness and censorship and warnings and Trigger warnings from those individuals who wish to make things clean and pure as well. And those that stood up against it were called lesser.

The Soviet union was even worse. So bad that even sympathizers in the USA and “concerned parents” and the “politically correct” do the same thing and praise that oppressive politic and country where it came from.

the complaints they had resemble the same hystroonic

The Soviets and the Iranian fundamentalist Islam of Fascist governments banned certain kinds of music because it was to raunchy or bad but you know with digital control and the investment and crony capitalism you can’t even have those things anymore. You can’t even discover those things anymore because censorship is so gosh aren’t effective these days. And when people feel like their voices are being suppressed they’re going to radicalize. For Better or Worse. And when those people and those radicals are called evil the further radicalization is going to spread.

So why do we keep doing it to ourselves? Why do we keep torturing ourselves on these incredibly toxic ideologies like postmodernism critical race Theory and guilt and shame to the point where it doesn’t help the downtrodden. Where it only destroys symbols and well possibly destroy even a country and the ideas behind it. There is a very focused group of individuals that will attack the core American values of Liberty and free expression and equality and replace them with something that they think is superior like equity and the like. As Noble as their goals are on paper we’ve seen the effects of it and none of it is good. In fact it leads to even more disparity more economic divides and goodness knows Black America has not been helped but only harmed by these well-meaning programs.

I don’t care who you are but Saying Andy Ngo deserved the near brain bleed he got is … wrong.

This is, sadly, not the most unhinged behavior i have seen.

They become the very thing they sought to destroy.

And even worse.

They first tell you it’s not happening, then it’s not a big deal, and then that it’s a good thing.

The fact that people rail against political correctness and “woke” or “social justice” and those who support it is because of radicals that run that whole thing.

The “moderates” just are foot soldiers and entryists in other parts of culture and our institutions.

Remember, that book being burned on the right is written by a feminist named Christina Hoff Sommers.

And yet no one cares about that group of radicals and are instead focused on those who aren’t radical at all.

Receiving Department of Homeland Security funds to go after a boogieman and a lie.

All these receipts.

I hope Trump dies from complications and i think his supporters are totally bonkers. There’s no small amount of legitimate concerns that can be levied against the right but we’ve been ignoring a far worse far more open and far more vicious kind of radical cult that has infiltrated a lot of our government and institutions.

These are the kinds of people that Advertisers want to answer to? What corporations want to court for the name of “diversity, equity and inclusion” when such people have none of those three things as values?

These few, very loud, and very blood thirsty people is the “modern audience”?

some of which still think “fiction affects reality”?

I get the call for cultural sensitivity, it’s just that it’s THESE people making the call with NOT A SINGLE LICK OF PROOF.

Even lying about sexual assult.

Helldivers. community manager everyone.

I’m not going to say January 6th wasn’t a terrible crap show because it was a terrible crap show.

I just cannot ignore the rest of the equation and how we got here.

I get being passionate. i get having a hard line in the sand about issues. I have them too. That said, that’s to my detriment.

There’s a better way. The sand in my eye is that the people who claim to be for political correctness are totalitarians with a smile. those that say they’re for these good things like equity and justice have done EVERYTHING BUT.

Hopefully more people change. more people realize and respect themselves.

And learn to laugh at what’s going on to see it for what it is.

Instead, we have attempts on people’s lively hoods and lives…

And Trump being shot … well there’s been other people who have died.

So when are we going to say enough is too much?




A stupid disgusting plagiarizer that hopes that culture can be restored to be anti-censorship. And challenging social norms and agreed upon lies by inept NEWS