Building an RxJS .endWith() operator

Rares Matei
3 min readApr 23, 2017


In RxJS, there’s a startWith operator that emits the items you specify as arguments before it starts emitting from the source observable.

Recently, I’ve run across a use-case where I need to emit one final item before letting the observable complete: an endWith operator.

It would look like the below:

(x) => console.log(x),
(err) => console.error(err),
() => console.log("complete")
// Will log:
// 0
// 1
// 999
// complete

And to get straight to the point, here’s the implementation I came up with:

Rx.Observable.prototype.endWith = function(finalValue) {
return new Rx.Observable((observer) => {
const endWithObserver = {
next: (x) =>,
error: (err) => observer.error(err),
complete: () => {;
return this.subscribe(endWithObserver);

Here’s a working CodePen for the above.

Have a look at the “Learning Observable by Building Observable” article by Ben Lesh for a more in-depth explanation on observables and you can create new operators.

But what about if we don’t want to build a new operator and want to use existing methods?

The .let() operator

Right after I posted this article, Ashley Cutmore gave the following example of using the .let() operator to achieve endWith functionality:

So unless you want to create a dedicated operator, as I showed you above, to make your stream look slightly nicer:

obs.endWith(1) vs.obs.let(endWith(1))

..I’d highly recommend the above approach, as it’s much much simpler.

Old fashioned Rx.Observable.create()

Below is the solution that first came to my mind when thinking about this operator. I used the .create() method to get access to the internal observer of my stream. Internally, I then subscribe to my main producer, and when the complete method is called, right before I call .complete() I do a .next(finalValue) on my observer:

Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
return Rx.Observable
(value) =>,
(err) => observer.error(err),
() => {;

And a working CodePen.

Materialize / Dematerialize

A really interesting operator that grabbed my attention while looking for existing ways to implement endWith functionality was .materialize(). The materialize operator maps each event (next, error and complete) emitted by the source observables into notifications. Here’s an example situation (live CodePen):

(x) => console.log(`Next: ${x.kind} ${x.value}`),
() => console.log("Complete")

Two of the properties a notification object has are kind and value. Value is the actual value being emitted, while kind is the type of notification: “N” for next, “C” for completed and “E” for error. For normal next notifications, .materialize()simply wraps the value in a notification, so “6” becomes {kind:”N”, value:6}. However, for next and error events, it first emits a notification, and then calls complete() on the observer:

const destination = this.destination;;

So you can start to see where I’m going with this: using .materialize(), we can spy on the different events being emitted, and once we see a completed event we can instead emit our final value, because we know that right after that notification, our observable will complete.


.map((value) => {
return value.kind === "C"
? Rx.Notification.createNext(finalValue)
: value;

You might be wondering at this point what do we do with those notifications after we’ve done spying on their types. Well, thankfully there’s a .dematerialize() operator that takes care of converting those notifications back into simple values for us to use.

Here’s the full example of what I just discussed (+ CodePen):

var finalValue = 999;
.map((value) => {
return value.kind === "C"
? Rx.Notification.createNext(finalValue)
: value;
x => console.log(x),
() => console.log("error"),
() => console.log("complete")

Note that I’m transforming the complete notification into just another next notification, but it still works and completes as expected. That’s normal, because observables don’t complete based on the notification type they receive, they complete because something invoked the .complete() function on their observer (read Ben Lesh 's article for a deeper exploration of this). So when .take(2) finished taking 2 elements it calls .complete() on its observer, materialize “notices” this and first does a simple next on its observer with the complete notification, then calls the .complete() method on its observer.


Please comment below any thoughts, questions or criticism you might have. I wrote this article to push myself to understand some RxJS concepts better so I’d love to hear of I’ve missed anything important or I got something completely backwards.



Rares Matei

Front-end developer with special interest in Angular/JavaScript/TypeScript/RxJS, mentor at @CodeYourFuture_ & CodeClubPro.