Brent Renaud, American journalist, killed by Russians in Ukraine

Volodymyr Bubnov
5 min readMar 13, 2022


He just wanted to tell the world the truth about the war in Ukraine …

Photo of Brent’s documents

Putin destroyed Russian journalism a long time ago, turning the Russian media into an endless stream of lies. Just the other day, Russia banned Facebook, Instagram, and even began to persecute Wikipedia authors.

I have already described in my article examples of blatant lies:

Russian “journalists” continue to lie everywhere, convincing that war is peace, killing is liberating, and Ukrainians are at war with themselves. But Putin cannot control foreign journalists. Therefore, Russian terrorists fighting in Ukraine exterminate journalists at the first opportunity.

Brent Renaud was shot dead today (13.03.2022) near Kyiv in Irpin. Brent Renaud is an award-winning American film director and journalist. He and his colleague were shot at by Russian soldiers as the journalists crossed the Russian checkpoint in their car.

The Ukrainians found a New York Times badge on Brent and decided that Brent Renaud was a New York Times journalist. Brent has actually contributed to The Times and other magazines before. But his stay in Ukraine was not a job for The Times. Perhaps he and his colleague worked in Ukraine as freelance journalists.

As the New York Times noted in their article on Brent’s death:

«Mr. Renaud often worked with his brother, Craig, and won a Peabody award for a Vice News documentary about a school in Chicago. The two have worked on film and television projects from conflict zones and hot spots around the world.

Over the past decade, the brothers have covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the earthquake in Haiti, cartel violence in Mexico and youth refugees in Central America, according to their website.»

And here is what another Russian “journalist” Alexander Bunin writes on his Twitter account:

“The deceased journalist turned out to be an American intelligence officer. A spokesman for the New York Times denied that Brandt Renaud worked for the publication. He had previously been identified during the US operation in Iraq as an intelligence officer.”

Screenshot from Twitter

Pay attention to the answers of subscribers who are as “adequate” as the author of the post:

«Died and it’s good…»

And then these same “public figures” and others like them will go out to European cities with Russian and Soviet flags with the slogans “Stop hating Russians”…

I wonder where Mr. Bunin got such information about intelligence officers? Did he get this information from another Russian-speaking journalist, or does the FSB report to him personally?

Another lie, another noise that tries to shout over the truth, and has no evidence. However, this does not prevent such absurd lies from being placed on shelves in even rows in some minds, mainly Russian ones.

I would very much like to believe that Putin suffers from dementia or another disorder, as Western intelligence claims. At least that would explain a lot. For example, the fact that in Russia at the legislative level it is forbidden to say NO WAR.

Screenshot from

Russian authorities did not stop at banning the words NO WAR. The police even detain those people who take to the streets of Russian cities with an empty poster, or with a flower.

Screenshot from video

If we go back from the delusions of Russian propaganda to reality, the truth is that today the talented filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed by the Russians. In addition to Brent, another correspondent, Juan Arredondo, suffered. He has already received medical assistance in Kyiv.

This is not the first time Russian terrorists have opened fire on Ukrainian and foreign journalists.

Swiss journalist Guillaume Briquet was more fortunate. He received a shrapnel wound but survived. His car was also fired upon, despite the fact that the car had marks belonging to the press. After the shelling, Guillaume Briquet stopped, the Russian military took away his personal belongings, money, and, of course, the footage.

Photos from open sources

Here is what Guillaume Briquet says about this:

“I have already been shot at, I’m used to it. The problem is non-compliance with the Geneva Conventions, elementary disrespect not to shoot civilians.”

Shooting a car with a machine gun is not the most horrific crime that the Russian occupiers are capable of. To shoot down a civilian car with live passengers from a tank is in the order of things for these animals. Just like running over a car with a tank.

For example, a Russian tank ran over a car with three people inside. All three died. These were civilians. Two adults, and a child who was burned alive.

Photos from open sources

Crimes against civilians continue. The most horrific scenes of violence you can imagine are already happening in Europe. And Russian terrorists do not want the world to know about it, so they open fire to kill journalists as well.

