Advertising — A Form of Art.

2 min readApr 1, 2019


Art can be termed as an expression of creativity and imagination, while advertisements are a way to communicate. Just how art can be seen as a reflection of one’s self through the ideas one portray, advertisements can be seen as a reflection of the attributes of a product one aims to promote.

The amount of creativity required for an advertisement is almost equal to that of any art form. It needs an equal amount of thought and effort to create an ad as much as it needs to create any form of art.

Whether it’s a visual-based advertisement or dominated by copies, it needs enough thinking to create something extraordinary.

An advertisement is a dominating form of art today, which is used to secure as much business as possible. Art, on the other hand, is something that is meant for the pleasure of one’s senses. However, the way advertisements are developed, it cannot be differentiated from any other art form.

Whether its music, dance or art, everything needs a certain level of innovation and creativity in order to bring out the best version of each art form. This is exactly how even advertisements are made. One needs to design an ad in the most creative way possible, so as to make it stand out from every other ad.

Art and Advertisement may be very different from one another but there is a space where they meet. That space is where creativity resides. It is mainly creativity which brings art and advertisement together. Creativity is the backbone of any art form and that proves the same for advertisements as well. Advertisements and also art, to some extent, are ways of reaching out to people.

There has been a prevalent debate on whether advertisement is a form of art or not, but in spite of a large number of existing contradictions, a majority of people do believe in the idea of advertisement being seen as an art form, as most ads that leave a mark in the audience’s mind are created out of commendable creativity and thought process, just how any form of art is created or represented.

Srijani Chaudhuri, Creative Team- VOLUME




VOLUME is a branding and creative agency, engaging with brands towards improving their outreach communication strategy.